CfP: Récits de ville: usages de l’histoire et changement urbain


Appel à communication pour le colloque international « Récits de ville : usages de l’histoire et changement urbain »

Colloque organisé par : Groupe Transversal “Usages de l’histoire et devenirs urbains” du LABEX Futurs Urbains (Université Paris-Est, France) et
Instituto Universitario de Urbanística de l’Université de Valladolid (Espagne)

Comité d’organisation : Emmanuel Bellanger, Florence Bourillon, María Castrillo Romón, Laurent Coudroy de Lille, Corinne Jaquand, Víctor Pérez Eguíluz, Javier Pérez Gil, Luis Santos Ganges, Loïc Vadelorge.

Research and Training Workshop on Research Techniques Using Data on Conflict issues in the ERF region - Economic Research Forum (ERF)

Over seven years have now passed since the initial eruption of the Arab uprisings. The civil wars they generated in their wake in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen have brought untold destruction and sufferings, including massive internal and external displacements of population, and reversed years of economic development and social attainments.

CeDInCI: Petition for a new headquarter

The Center for Documentation and Research of the Culture of the Left (CeDInCI) turns twenty. Opened in April 1998, it is currently the most important institution in Latin America dedicated to the history of the left, social movements and the artistic and cultural manifestations of the continent. Its collection conserves more than 160,000 books and pamphlets, 10,000 collections of magazines and newspapers, around 2,200 political posters, more than 20,000 brochures and 170 archives and special collections.