CfP: Palestinian Libraries and Archives Under Israeli Rule

Theme issue of Progressive Librarian
“Palestinian Libraries and Archives Under Israeli Rule”

The publication Progressive Librarian: A Journal for Critical Studies and Progressive Politics in Librarianship invites Palestinian information providers to submit papers for a special issue, “Palestinian Libraries and Archives Under Israeli Rule.” Papers accepted for this special issue may also be republished later in a book on this topic.

ToC: ITH Newsletter

Dear colleagues,

this newsletter begins with the decisions of the ITH Board and General Assembly from 21 September 2017 and information on the election of ITH functionaries.

Subsequently, we publish the report on the 53rd ITH Conference “Worlds of Labour Turned Upside Down – Revolutions and Labour Relations in Global Historical Perspective” by Pepijn Brandon.

Furthermore, we inform about a decoration by the Republic of Austria and a Festschrift for our colleague Winfried R. Garscha, who has also been playing a leading role in the ITH since the 1970s.

CfP: 4 May 1919: History in Motion

International Conference

4 May 1919: History in Motion
A Political, Social and Cultural Look at a Turning Point in the History of Modern China
Université de Mons, Belgium
2 – 4 May 2019

Jointly organized by:
Université de Mons (UMONS), Faculty of Translation and Interpretation (FTI-EII) and School of Human and Social Sciences (ESHS)
Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Maison des Sciences Humaines, East Asian Studies (EASt)