CfP: Iberian radical left, revolutionary process and democratic transition – rupture and consensus

The partisan or proto-partisan mosaic existing in the 1970's in Portugal and Spain, when the dictatorships had ended, included the emergence of small organizations which were to the left of the traditional communist parties, many of them arising from differences that occurred within it, whose most recent roots were originated from a political-cultural mix which intersected and antagonized the influences of the Cuban revolution and the Chinese cultural revolution, reactions to the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviete Union and the Soviet military invasion in Czechoslovakia, or

CfP: Sub-Saharan African migrations. Stakes and dynamics of an expanding phenomenon

History of immigration is a very active branch of the Western history of this last decade2. (Philippe Regyiel, 2010 :7) However the history of emigration has been sidelined in African historiography, while external migrations have continuously increased, and the vulnerability and the misery of the African migrant regularly make the headlines in international medias. This western grip on the rhetoric of migration helped to label his field with regionalism and its topics with  provincialism.


CfP: Mourir en révolutionnaire (XVIIIe-XXe siècle)

Ce projet de colloque international entend étudier l'importance du thème de la mort des révolutionnaires et de ses représentations dans les mythologies révolutionnaires du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours, bien sûr par-delà les frontières nationales. Les approches seront donc volontairement comparatistes et internationales, faisant la part belle aux divers processus d'héroïsation et à la transmission de toute une culture révolutionnaire, dans les récits, les mémoires, les images, etc.


Working Group "Labour in Mining"


The EHLN working group "Labour in Mining" aims at creating and  expanding existing networks of scholars with an interest in labour in  mining sector in Europe and around the world. Also, the WG on "Labour  in Mining" wish to exchange knowledge, to organize meetings and  workshops, to organize and design collective projects, to participate  with sessions in the 3rd ELHN Conference in Amsterdam in 2019 (19-21  September).

Geschichte der Arbeitswelten und der Gewerkschaften. 9


Das Kolloquium bringt einmal im Semester Historikerinnen und Historiker zusammen, die in der ganzen methodischen und theoretischen Vielfalt des Faches zur Geschichte der Arbeitswelten und der Gewerkschaften forschen. Das bundesweit einladende Kolloquium bietet die Gelegenheit, historische, aber auch interdisziplinär angelegte Forschungen vom Dissertationskonzept bis zur Postdoc-Arbeit zur Diskussion zu stellen, es dient dem Austausch und der Vernetzung auf diesem Teilgebiet der Sozialgeschichte.

Ted Crawford papers - catalogue online

Ted Crawford is a veteran Trotskyist and scholar, who has edited the journal, Revolutionary History. The Ted Crawford papers (reference MS1232) have recently been catalogued online,

They give considerable detail about the contemporaneous and historical controversies raging within Trotskyism not only within the UK but also within the international Trotskyist communities.