The Conscription Conflict and the Great War

Monash University Publishing and Victorian Trades Hall Council are delighted to invite you to the launch of 

The Conscription Conflict and the Great War 

Edited by Robin Archer, Joy Damousi, Murray Goot and Sean Scalmer 

To be launched by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

With MC Luke Hilakari 

When: Thursday 27 October 2016, 6.00 for 6.30pm start

Where: Victorian Trades Hall. Meeting Room 1, via Victoria Street entrance (54 Victoria Street, Carlton).

ToC: Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv Newsletter

Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv Newsletter 5/2016

Christian Koller, Vor 70 Jahren: Take-off der europäischen Integration von der Schweiz aus

Veranstaltungen und Kooperationen des Schweizerischen Sozialarchivs

Popmusik, Archiv, Geschichte – Erich Keller ist Gast im Sozialarchiv 2016
Freitag, 7. Oktober 2016
Musik sammeln
Mittwoch, 2. November 2016
Popmusik, Archiv und Recht
Mittwoch, 16. November 2016
Musik erforschen


Invitation au colloque international de l'IRELP "Libre Pensée et Libres Penseurs hier et aujourd'hui"

Colloque international de l’IRELP – 21 septembre 2017
Salle Léon Jouhaux – Annexe de la Bourse du Travail
67 rue Turbigo - 75003 Paris 

« Libre Pensée et Libres Penseurs Hier et aujourd’hui »

Sous la Présidence de Jean-Marc Schiappa, Président de l’IRELP

Ouverture du Colloque 9h : 

Co-présidente Mme Faouzia Farida Charfi, Professeur de physique à l’Université de Tunis (Tunisie), ancienne Ministre.

Sandro Pertini. Una storia per immagini

La Fondazione di studi storici Filippo Turati
promuove, insieme alla Regione Toscana,
presso la Biblioteca delle Oblate di Firenze, dal 20 settembre al 20 ottobre 2016, 

Sandro Pertini. Una storia per immagini

Testimonianza per le giovani generazioni

L’esposizione è a cura della Fondazione di studi storici Filippo Turati-Centro studi e documentazione Sandro Pertini e la curatela scientifica dei proff. Stefano Caretti e Maurizio Degl’Innocenti.

CfP: Rethinking the Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution took place in many places and in different ways. Petrograd became the centre of events in 1917, but the revolutionary wave quite quickly swept over the whole Russian empire. Over the last two decades researchers studied and discovered the many faces of Russia’s revolution within the imperial periphery. However, the Russian revolution did not only take place in the former Romanov Empire. News about the Tsar’s abdication, the February Revolution, subsequent events, and finally the Bolsheviks’ seizure of power spread around the globe.