Seminar: Inspiration from afar. Responses to the Russian Revolution in the Dutch world

2017 will mark the centenary of the Russian February and October revolutions. Few events in the twentieth century at the same time evoked such indignation and such admiration. The Russian Revolution remained a source of controversy and inspiration in the period after 1917, marked by military interventions and civil war, hunger, social experiments and political repression. This symposium deals with the reception of the revolution and its aftermath in the Netherlands and the Dutch empire.

Plantation women. Female coolie labour on private estates in colonial Indonesia, c. 1870-1940

On Tuesday November 8, Daniëlle Teeuwen (Wageningen University, Rural and Environmental History Group) will present a paper on: Plantation women. Female coolie labour on private estates in colonial Indonesia, c. 1870-1940

Date: November 8th, 2016
Time: 12.30-14.00 hrs
Location: room C78, Leeuwenborch,
Hollandseweg 1, Wageningen

L'Ouvrier Diamantaire online

This newspaper diamond workers confirms Amsab-ISG reiterates its international role as a heritage center by bringing international online digitized collections from France.

Our French colleagues from La Fraternelle retreat since the 1980s the fate of the famous Maison du Peuple of Saint-Claude and have managed to build this historic site to " un espace culturel et artistique, lieu de mémoire, the diffusion et de création contemporary implante au coeur de la ville et du Haut Jura. "

ToC: Amsab Newsletter

Amsab Nieuwsbrief
11e jaargang, nr. 7, oktober 2016

Wie was Emiel Moyson?

Sinds mei is de Amsab-ploeg gehuisvest in de gebouwen van Bond Moyson in Zwijnaarde (Gent). De Bond Moyson is genoemd naar Emiel Moyson. Maar wie was nu eigenlijk die Moyson? En waarom werd zijn naam zo bekend?

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L'Ouvrier Diamantaire online

Fully funded PhD stipends in Bremen

The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) invites applications for its PhD program BIGSSS-departs (doctoral education in partnerships). Under the European Commission’s COFUND scheme the BIGSSS offers several fully funded PhD stipends with a duration of 42 months.

Applications are open to all non-German applicants whose reserach interests fit into one of the three thematic fields ("Global Governance and Regional Integration", "Welfare State, Inequality, and Quality of Life", and "Changing Lives in Changing Socio-Cultural Contexts").

CfP: Das Kapital & the Anarchists

On the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the publication of the most important in depth meditation of Capitalism, you are invited to submit a short discourse addressing problems, analyzing developments, points of contention, methodologies, approaches and insights.

1) Proposals: From intellectual workers in the academic sector, friendly organizations and individuals interested in advancing Working Class scholarship.