CfA: 3 fellowships at re:work in Berlin

The Institute for the History and Future of Work (Institut für die Geschichte und Zukunft der Arbeit - IGZA) is a foundation recently established by Dr. Horst Neumann in Wolfsburg and Berlin. It supports the study of historical developments, present problems and future perspectives of work and labour.
Presently, one of its research fields is dealing with the history, present varieties and future possibilities of working time (Arbeitszeit) in a cross-epochal historical perspective.

CfP: Gender and Empire: Intimacies, Bodies, Detritus

The Journal of World History seeks submissions on the topic of Gender and Empire. For more than three decades scholars have incorporated gender studies into traditional imperial histories to draw attention to the myriad ways in which imperial projects co-created modern gender identities. Emerging from scholarship on the major European empires of the 19th and 20th centuries (British, French, German, and Dutch), studies of gender and empire now include the United States, Russia, and Japan.

CfP: Agrarian Reform and Resistance in an ‘Age of Globalization’: The Euro-American World, 1815-1914

The purpose of this conference is to explore the myriad experiences of agrarian reform and resistance that characterized rural regions of Europe and the Americas, whether based on either free or unfree labour, between 1815 and 1914. In this period, the economic changes associated with the influence of the Industrial Revolution transcended national boundaries, profoundly affecting rural societies by transforming patterns of demand for agricultural commodities.

ToC: ITH Newsletter

International Conference of Labour and Social History (ITH)

Rundbrief / Newsletter 53. Jg., Nr. 1 (November 2016) / 53rd year, vol. 1 (November 2016)

1. Editorial

2. Beschlüsse der ITH-Gremien, Personalia
Decisions of the ITH Board and General Assembly, Personalia

3. Tagungsbericht zur 52. ITH-Konferenz „Güterketten und Arbeitsverhältnisse“
Conference Report of the 52nd ITH Conference “Commodity Chains and Labour Relations”

4. Band zur ITH-Konferenz 2014
Volume on the ITH Conference 2014

Free France and the trade union issue

Lorsque le général de Gaulle quitte le pouvoir en 1946, les syndicats ont acquis dans la vie nationale une place sans précédent. Ce destin était loin de leur être promis lorsque la guerre avait éclaté : le souvenir de 1936 restait vif, et la défaite de 1940 n'était pas à leur avantage. Quels sont les facteurs qui ont retourné la situation à leur avantage ?

CfP: Popular education and social movements - a relationship at work through time

La revue

Le Labocoop est un laboratoire de recherche autonome qui réunit des autour des questions d’éducation populaire en mouvement(s). Le Labocoop se veut travailler de manière coopérative et expérimentale afin de produire des savoirs pratiques, impliqués et donc fondamentalement politiques.