Los sindicatos, actores de las relaciones internacionales. El caso español (1919-1990)

Esta jornada de estudio está organizado por la Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero y el Departamento de Ciencia Política de la Luiss Guido Carli, en el marco del proyecto de I + D, HAR2013-44849-P, La trayectoria internacional del sindicalismo socialista español (1888-1986), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad español

Idiomas: italiano, español.
Comité Científico: Manuela Aroca, Giovanni Orsina, Christine Vodovar

"Finissage" Ausstellung Häme, Spott und Schelte - Karl-Marx-Haus

Die Finissage der Karikaturen-Ausstellung zu Presse und Zensur im Vormärz (Sammlung Ante) bietet die letzte Gelegenheit, sich die ca. 150 Jahre alten Originalkarikaturen anzusehen, die bis heute nichts von ihrer Häme und ihrem Spott verloren haben. Die Kritik an der Obrigkeit, der Wunsch nach Pressefreiheit und nationaler Einheit wird humoristisch und pointiert in den Lithographien dargestellt.

CfP: 12th European Social Science History Conference


12th European Social Science History Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 4 – 7 April, 2018

The ESSHC aims at bringing together scholars interested in explaining historical phenomena using the methods of the social sciences. The conference is characterized by a lively exchange in many small groups, rather than by formal plenary sessions.

The Conference welcomes papers and sessions on any topic and any historical period. It is organized in a large number of networks:

Dare Devil Rides to Jarama

Marking the 80th anniversary of the Spanish Civil War, Dare Devil Rides to Jarama is a new play by Townsend Productions based on the experiences of International Brigade volunteers during the Spanish Civil War. In particular it focuses on Clem Beckett, a Lancashire blacksmith and famous star of the speedway track, who joined the International Brigade to defend freedom and democracy against Franco's rising fascist armies.

CfP: "Accepting and Holding Objects “in Trust” – an International and Interdisciplinary Perspective"

"Accepting and Holding Objects “in Trust” – an International and Interdisciplinary Perspective"

Conference ǀ Vienna University Library ǀ May 2-4th, 2017
The question of how to deal with cultural property or looted property held "in trust" concerns libraries, archives, museums, and Jewish institutions.