ToC: Newsletter Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

2017, un nuovo inizio all'insegna della ricerca
Ultimi giorni per candidarsi ai bandi per cinque borse di studio promosse da
Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

Ancora pochi giorni per partecipare ai bandi delle cinque Borse di Studio che
Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli ha deciso di promuovere per inaugurare il nuovo anno all'insegna della qualità della ricerca e della multidisciplinarità.
Di seguito i testi dei cinque bandi:

CfP: Histories of Migration: Transatlantic and Global Perspectives

Call for Proposals – Bucerius Young Scholars Forum at GHI WEST at UC Berkeley
“Histories of Migration: Transatlantic and Global Perspectives”

The GHI invites proposals for papers to be presented at the 1st Bucerius Young Scholars Forum, to take place at its branch office GHI WEST at UC Berkeley in November 2017. We seek proposals specifically from post-doctoral scholars, recent PhDs, as well as those in the final stages of their dissertations.

ToC: Bulletin du CIRA Lausanne

Centre International de Recherches sur l’Anarchisme, CIRA
Bulletin du CIRA 72

Rapport d'activités p.2
Manifeste REBAL p.6
Le groupe de travail « archives » p.8
Bonnes pratiques de numérisation / Best practice for digitizing documents p.10
Ressources en ligne / Online ressources p.28
Überlegungen zur Seite p.30
La bibliothèque anarchiste de Vienne p.32
Dans nos collections :
L'invention de la typographie en drapeau p.35
Appel à contributions p.35
Liste 72 p.40

CUT E ARQUIVO NACIONAL lançam Coleção com as comunicações do 4º Seminário Internacional o Mundo dos Trabalhadores e seus Arquivos

A coleção “Arquivos, memória, verdade, justiça e reparação: comunicações do 4º Seminário Internacional o Mundo dos Trabalhadores e seus Arquivos” tem origem no evento promovido pela CUT e Arquivo Nacional, em junho de 2016. O seminário destacou a importância da recuperação e organização dos arquivos e da história e memória dos trabalhadores e a divulgação de fontes e pesquisas fundamentais para o direito à verdade, à memória e à justiça.

CfP: Words of remuneration

Second Conference of the European Labour History Network (ELHN)

Deuxième Congrès du Réseau Européen d’Histoire du Travail

Paris, France, 2-4 November 2017 /2-4 novembre 2017

Working Group “Long-term History of Remuneration”/ Groupe de travail “L’évolution des modes de rémunération sur la longue durée ”

Call for Papers /Appel à communications

for the session/pour la session

Words of remuneration / Mots des rémunérations

CfP: International Federation for Research on Women’s History: Transnationalisms, Transgressions, Translations

Call for Papers: “Transnationalisms, Transgressions, Translations”

The 12th Conference of the International Federation for Research on Women’s History/ Federation Internationale Pour la Recherche en Histoire des Femmes (IFRWH/FIRHF) will be held August 12-15, 2018 at the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, the home of the current President, Eileen Boris. This will be the first time that this international gathering of historians of women and gender will assemble in the United States.

CfP: The Peripheries of the European Revolutionary Process(es) 1917–1923

The fall of the Russian Tsar and the rise to power of the Bolsheviks sent shock waves across Europe and beyond, initiating a period of momentous revolutionary transformations. Indeed, the protagonists of 1917 did not envisage their endeavour as an exclusively Russian phenomenon, but as the first act of the world revolution. As Lenin reflected in 1921, ‘we have made the start. When, at what date and time, and the proletarians of which nation will complete this process is not important. The important thing is that the ice has been broken’.