Working in the Countryside: Subsistence, Pluriactivity, Mobility


The Italian Society of Labour History (SISLav) organizes an International Conference on the topic Working in the Countryside: Subsistence, Pluriactivity, Mobility”.

The Conference will take place in Milan on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th September 2017; the University “Bicocca” of Milan, partner in the organization of the Conference, will host the event.

Sailor art, maritime making in the long nineteenth century


AHRC CDP and National Maritime Museum - funded PhD in English Literature and Cultural Studies

Cardiff University - Cardiff School of English, Communication and Philosophy

Start date: October 2017

Duration: 3 years

This project will situate objects produced by sailors at the heart of current scholarly debates about gendered work and creativity, military masculinity, and citizenship.

Rethinking Museums Politically: Berlin's Altes Museum, Museum Island and the (reconstructed) City Palace


Since its opening in 1830, Karl Friedrich Schinkel's Altes Museum has been located in Berlin's highly symbolic centre, defined by the royal City Palace, Cathedral and Armory. While the museum's performative architecture responds to its location, the current curatorial concept and display no longer reflect the original museological significance of the building.

Amsab Newsletter

Amsab- Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis
12e jaargang, nr. 4, maart 2017

Erfgoeddag 2017. Kind van de rekening

Voor Erfgoeddag 2017 rond het thema ‘zorg’ slaan Amsab-ISG en het Liberaal Archief de handen in mekaar. Onder de titel ‘Kind van de rekening’ brengen ze samen de zorg voor kinderen in beeld. Amsab-ISG focust daarbij op jongeren in conflictsituaties.


Frans Masereel in Mu.ZEE