Centro studi /archivio Pinelli - Campagna associativa 2017

Sostienici! Campagna associativa 2017

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Dans l'atelier de Marc Ferro

Journée d'étude
Dans l'atelier de Marc Ferro
Mardi 7 mars 2017
Avec la participation de Marc Ferro

Université Paris Nanterre - Auditorium Max Weber
Inscriptions et renseignements
communication-bdic@bdic.fr - 01 40 97 79 29

Organisée en hommage à Marc Ferro, avec qui la BDIC entretient depuis les années 1950 une relation privilégiée, cette journée reviendra sur un long compagnonnage fécond pour l’histoire contemporaine.

Programa de Posgrado en Historia política y cultural de las izquierdas y los movimientos político-culturales del siglo XX

Programa de Posgrado en Historia política y cultural de las izquierdas y
los movimientos político-culturales del siglo XX Ciclo | 2017

Ya está abierta la inscripción a los seminarios de posgrado del CeDInCI/UNSAM

Revisitando la Reforma universitaria. El movimiento estudiantil argentino desde sus revistas, sus iniciativas político-culturales y sus líderes ideológicos (1918-1968)
a cargo de la Dra. Natalia Bustelo (CeDInCI/UNSAM- CONICET)
Jueves de 19 a 22 hs.
Inicio: 23 de marzo

Land Ownership and Conflict in a Global Context: Transfer, Adaptation and Translation of Normative Systems

For many societies, land ownership is the definitive step in freedom from slavery, exploitation and colonial domination, meaning land is one of the, if not the, most important commodity in the world. Those who have it fiercely guard it whilst those who do not have it find extralegal ways to access it. Contested land is an issue found in contemporary legal issues as well as in every other historical period and region, making it an issue pertinent globally. This workshop will address several key areas of land ownership and conflict in a global context.

CfP: On the Matter of Blackness in Europe: Transnational Perspectives

The presence of Black people in Europe dates back to the early medieval period. Since then, Black people in Europe have contributed significantly to the archives of radical Black epistemologies in various ways. Within this contribution, distinct points of departures exist with regards to socio-historical conditions and divergences of anti-blackness in European nation states. However, academic scholarship on the articulations and formations of Blackness in Europe have gained more attention in the last decades.

9 PhD Grants in Political Science and Sociology

For the academic year 2017-2018 the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) hereby announces a call for 78 PhD places available in the following fields and sites.

The selection is based on candidates’ qualifications and interviews. 9 positions are allotted to the Florence site of SNS, where the Centre on Social Movement Studies is also based.

More information on requirements and selection procedure can be found here:


ToC: Amsab Nieuwsbrief

12e jaargang, nr. 1, februari 2017

Grondige update catalogus!

De onlinecatalogus heeft een grondige update gekregen. Hierdoor is deze even offline geweest, waarvoor onze excuses. Maar het goede nieuws is dat er heel wat verbeteringen en een aantal nieuwigheden geïnstalleerd zijn.
Lees meer ...

Eli Lotar in Jeu de Paume

Invisible Histories talks

Our free Invisible Histories talks will start up again in March – Wednesdays at 2pm:

15 March Trevor Fisher Reclaiming the Blanketeers
March 2017 sees the 200th anniversary of the March of the Blanketeers, probably the first attempt at a protest march from a provincial city to Westminster. Now largely obscure, the precedent once established has been used ever since, and the organisers had devised a tactic which deserves to be put into the spotlight for its continuing importance.