Save the Date: Tagung anlässlich der Digitalisierung des "Vorwärts" am 17. Mai 2017

Unter dem Titel Das Projekt "Vorwärts bis 1933" - eine historische Quelle wird digitalisiert organisiert die Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Kooperation mit dem Archiv der sozialen Demokratie eine Veranstaltung anlässlich der Freischaltung der ersten digitalisierten Jahrgänge des "Vorwärts". Dieses Digitalisierungsprojekt umfasst die vollständige Retrodigitalisierung der sozialdemokratischen Zeitung für die Jahre 1876 bis 1933. Die in dem Projekt entstandenen hochwertigen Scans im Gesamtumfang von ca.

Hungarian Government Threatens to Shut Down Central European University

The Hungarian government has proposed amendments to the National Higher Education Law that would make it impossible for Central European University to continue operations within the country. These changes would endanger the academic freedom vital for CEU’s continued operation in Budapest and would strike a blow against the academic freedom that enables all universities to flourish.

CfP: Global Histories of Capital - New Perspectives on the Global South

Our aim is to bring together graduate students working on areas of the non-west, broadly conceived, whose work approaches questions of the economic from political, environmental, intellectual and cultural perspectives. In light of growing interest in the status of the economic to social scientific inquiry -- spurred by research programs from the history of capitalism to new materialism -- our objective is to foster a critical conversation about how we write such histories from world-regions outside Western Europe and North America.

CfA: International Summer Academy 'Labour, Rights, and Mobility'

The international research centre Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History (re:work) at Humboldt University Berlin and the Universidad Nacional de San Martin in Buenos Aires will hold a Summer Academy exploring the historical and contemporary connections between labour, mobility and rights in a global perspective.

The Summer Academy is open for doctoral students working in the field of work/labour from historical as well as other social sciences’ perspectives and will take place on the campus of the Universidad Nacional de San Martin, 29 October to 5 November 2017.

CfA: International Anarchist and Libertarian Book Fair, September 2017

To: publishing houses, publishers, authors, self-publishers, groups, organizations, associations and/or single individuals.

The "Ateneo Libertario" of Florence is preparing the 8th edition of the “ANARCHIST AND LIBERTARIAN BOOKFAIR” in Florence (Italy) On 22nd-23rd-24th September 2017, at Obihall Theatre (Teatro Obihall) address: via Fabrizio De André (corner with Lungarno Aldo Moro), Florence, Italy.