ToC: Amsab Newsletter

Amsab Nieuwsbrief
12e jaargang, nr. 2, maart 2017

Coöperaties, c’est quoi ça?
Amsab-ISG nodigt u, samen met vele andere organisaties zoals 11.11.11 en Oxfam, van harte uit op de interactieve belevingstocht over de coöperatie op 19 maart 2017, in en rond Kunstencentrum Vooruit in Gent.

CfP: The Other Globalisers: How the Socialist and the Non-Aligned World Shaped the Rise of Post-War Economic Globalisation

The Other Globalisers: How the Socialist and the Non-Aligned World Shaped the Rise of Post-War Economic Globalisation
6-7 July 2017
Location: University of Exeter, UK

Join the 1989 after 1989 research team for our conference on the “Other Globalisers” – how the socialist and the non-aligned world shaped the rise of post-war economic globalisation. Based at Exeter, this conference is the second in a series of events exploring how processes and practices that emerged from the socialist world shaped the re-globalised world of our times.

CfP: Labor History and Public History - 2017 North American Labor History Conference



39th Annual North American Labor History Conference

October 19-21, 2017
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan

The Program Committee of the North American Labor History Conference (NALHC), an international conference with a global perspective on labor and working-class history, invites proposals for case studies, project demonstrations, papers, panels, roundtables, and workshops on the theme of Labor History and Public History for our thirty-ninth annual meeting.

CfP: Hidden Capitalism - Beyond, Below, and Outside the Visible Market


Hidden Capitalism:

Beyond, Below, and Outside the Visible Market

A Conference at the Hagley Museum and Library

Wilmington, Delaware, October 27, 2017

In reviving the study of capitalism, scholars have emphasized the transformative power of markets and commodification. Yet, a crucial part of what drives capitalism falls outside of waged relations and formal, visible exchange.

ToC: Journal de la BDIC

Journal de la BDIC 

La Bibliothèque de Documentation Internationale Contemporaine & ses lecteurs

N°42 - Février 2017

p 1: Edito : La BDIC fête ses 100 ans !

p 2: Le mot des lecteurs : Entretien avec Marc Ferro

p 3: Dossier : Centenaire de la BDIC

p 4: Nouvelle BDIC : Imaginer la BDIC de demain