TOC: CeDInCI Newsletter

Boletín Electrónico nº 27 – Septiembre de 2015



  • Para colaborar con la adquisición del Fondo hemerográfico Sebastián Marotta
  • Biblioteca Alberto Belloni
  • Nuevos Seminarios del Programa del Posgrado en Historia Política y Cultural de las Izquierdas y los Movimientos Político-Culturales del Siglo XX

Actividades académicas

Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) courses

Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) courses taking place at PHM in 2015/2016

Workers' Educational AssociationPHM are delighted to be working with the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) to host a series of WEA courses. Booking is required through WEA, all course details are listed below.

WEA Course - Europe, Democracy and Citizenship in the 21st Century
Monday 21 September to Monday 30 November 2015 (Half Term break on Monday 26 October)

Exposición Julian Besteiro. 75 aniversario de su muerte (1940-2015)

Exposición Julian Besteiro. 75 aniversario de su muerte (1940-2015)

Se cumple el 75 aniversario del fallecimiento de Julián Besteiro y desde la Fundación Largo Caballero y la UGT hemos querido recordar su figura con una exposición que se inaugurará  en la Escuela Julián Besteiro, el viernes, 25 de septiembre a las 12:00 h. Nos gustaría mucho que pudieras acompañarnos.

Postdoc and PHD Students for Research program: Regional industrialization in Northwestern Europe and China

The International Institute of Social History (IISH) is looking for a Postdoc researcher and two PhD students for work within the ERC funded project on regional industrialization in Northwestern Europe and China, ca. 1800-present.

More information:…

Global Spaces for Radical Solidarity – First Willi-Muenzenberg-Congress

[...] The congress aims to present and analyse actors, forms and practices of global solidarity networks in the context of social, cultural and humanitarian movements of the 20th Century. Among others, the congress will look at collective biographies and the imagining of a ’cultural international’, the role of media and aesthetic mediums; questions that already during the interwar period were expressed in the Solidarity Song (Solidaritätslied) by Brecht and Eisler: ”Whose tomorrow is tomorrow, whose world is the world?” („Wessen Morgen ist der Morgen, wessen Welt ist die Welt?“).

Post-Doc for Research program Four Centuries of Labor Camps: War, Rehabilitation, Ethnicity

The IISH conducts advanced research on the global history of work, workers, and labour relations and to this end gathers data, which are made available to other researchers as well.

As of December 1st, 2015, there will be an opening in the research department of the IISH for a


Post-doc (m/f)
(28,5 hours a week (0,75 fte), location: IISH)
For a period of 29 months

Keir Hardie centenary conference

Keir Hardie centenary conference - booking now open

Saturday 26 September 2015 will mark the centenary of the death of James Keir Hardie at the comparatively young age of 59. But in those 59 years Hardie had changed the political landscape of Britain. This conference, which takes place at WCML, aims to celebrate the impact Hardie had on British society and the legacy he left for those who followed.


Utopien revisited : Im Schnellgang durch 200 Jahre anderes Leben

27. August 2015, 19.00 Uhr: Utopien revisited

Im Schnellgang durch 200 Jahre anderes Leben

Alternative Formen des Zusammenlebens und der Gemeinschaft haben eine lange
Tradition. Woher kommt die Sehnsucht nach dem Andern? Welche Versuche scheitern? Welche Experimente haben Erfolg?
In der dreiteiligen Eröffnungsveranstaltung soll es darum gehen, die theoretischen
Grundlagen für alternative Gemeinschaften zu umreissen und einige Beispiele

Christian Koller
Andreas Schwab
Damir Skenderovic