Livio Labor Papers

The Fondazione di Studi Storici “Filippo Turati” has acquired the archive of Livio Labor (1918-1999), donated by the family. The donation will add to the large collection of the Movimento politico dei lavoratori (Mpl), led by Labor himself.
Livio Labor was ACLI President since 1961; then promoted the creation of the Associazione di cultura politica (Acpol), which transformed in 1970 into a party, named Mpl.

75 aniversario fallecimiento de Azaña - Azaña escritor

Azaña escritor
en el 75 aniversario de su fallecimiento.

Jornada conmemorativa
3 de noviembre de 2015 Alcalá de Henares

Coincidiendo con la inauguración de la exposición "Ministerio de la Guerra (1931-1939): tiempos de paz, tiempos de guerra", que podrá visitarse desde el 3 de noviembre al 18 de diciembre de 2015, en la Sede de los Archivos del Movimiento Obrero (Calle Colegios 7, Alcalá de Henares)

Joe Hill - Centenary

Thursday 19 November is the centenary of the execution of the famous IWW activist Joe Hill, who was killed by a firing squad in Utah, USA. His legacy lives on.

To celebrate his life, there will be a screening of the long-lost 1971 bio-pic Joe Hill, by renowned Swedish director Bo Widerberg, at Trades Hall on Thursday 19 November, starting at 5.15 pm.

CfP: Manchester Social Movements Conference


From 1995 to 2015, Manchester Metropolitan University hosted a series of very successful annual international conferences on 'ALTERNATIVE FUTURES and POPULAR PROTEST'.

We're very happy to announce that the Twenty First AF&PP Conference will be held between Monday 21st and Wednesday 23rd March 2016.

The Conference rubric will remain as in previous years. The aim is to explore the dynamics of popular movements, along with the ideas which animate their activists and supporters and which contribute to shaping their fate.

CfP: Transnational Exchanges between the Nordic Left and the Soviet bloc: Dialogue and Impulses towards Political, Economic and Social Change during the Cold War

The workshop should include contributions that deal with case studies of Nordic leftist politicians, social democrats, greens, reform communists, trade unionists, youth activists, women's associations, peace activists and environmental activists on the one hand and representatives of the communist establishments of, on the one hand, the Soviet satellite states and the Soviet Union, on the other hand. The period of preference would constitute the late 1960s to 1989-91.

Quinzièmes Journées Internationales de Sociologie du Travail (JIST) «Crise(s) et mondes du travail» - «Crisis/Crises and the Worlds of Work»

Quinzièmes Journées Internationales de Sociologie du Travail (JIST)
«Crise(s) et mondes du travail» - «Crisis/Crises and the Worlds of Work» Athènes, 11-13 mai 2016 / Athens, 11-13 May 2016

Co-organisation: Laboratoire d'Economie et de Sociologie du Travail (LEST) et KEKMOKOP (Centre de morphologie sociale et des politiques sociales)-Université Panteion d'Athènes. Avec le soutien du Labexmed et de l'Association hellénique de Politique sociale.

AMSAB Nieuwsbrief

10e jaargang, nr. 9, oktober 2015

Regendruppels zijn hier veel kleiner
Een boekje waarin 37 nieuwe Gentenaars vertellen over een object dat hen nauw aan het hart ligt, een herinnering, een plek in Gent die ze koesteren ... 

Uitnodiging boekvoorstelling 45 jaar Elcker-Ik
U bent vriendelijk uitgenodigd op de voorstelling van het boek Elcker-Ik. 45 jaar sociale actie op zondag 25 oktober in Antwerpen. Het boek is voor een groot deel gebaseerd op archieven die zich in Amsab-ISG bevinden.

ToC: Journal de la BDIC

Page 1. Voix et visages

Page 2. Le mot des lecteurs : « Le parcours du combattant »

Page 3. Actualité de la recherche : Un modèle d’édition électronique de correspondances

Pages 4 et 5. Actualité de la recherche : La BDIC partenaire de nouveaux projets du Labex Les Passés dans le Présent

Pages 6 et 7. Collections :Archives numérisées de la guerre froide à la BDIC

Pages 8. Enrichissement des collections :Reportage de Tanguy Loyzance sur le Tchad (1980-1985)