Seth Siegelaub in the Stedelijk Museum

Seth Siegelaub, the subject of a major retrospective at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam from 12 December 2015 to 17 April 2016, was closely acquainted with the International Institute of Social History (IISH). Since 1989, the IISH has housed one of Siegelaub’s characteristic projects: the International Mass Media Research Center (IMMRC) collection. Part of it is on show at the Stedelijk.

The Mexican Suitcase. Rediscovered Spanish Civil War negatives by Capa, Chim, and Taro

The legendary Mexican Suitcase containing Robert Capa’s Spanish Civil War negatives, considered lost since 1939, has recently been rediscovered and is exhibited here for the first time. The Suitcase is in fact three small boxes containing nearly 4,500 negatives, not only by Capa but also by his fellow photojournalists Chim (David Seymour) and Gerda Taro.

Reuther Library 2016 Sam Fishman Travel Grant Program

The Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs invites applications for travel grants of up to $1,000 as part of the 2016 Sam Fishman Travel Grant Program. The program provides research grant to support faculty, students, independent researchers, and union members to defray travel, lodging, food, and other costs to conduct research in the Reuther Library’s extensive labor collections. The award is named in honor of Sam Fishman, a former UAW and Michigan AFL-CIO leader and grants are given in support of projects relating to labor history.

Weatherhead Initiative on Global History Fellowship

The Weatherhead Initiative on Global History (WIGH) at Harvard University identifies and supports outstanding scholars whose work responds to the growing interest in the encompassing study of global history. We seek to organize a community of scholars interested in the systematic scrutiny of developments that have unfolded across national, regional, and continental boundaries and who propose to analyze the interconnections—cultural, economic, ecological, political and demographic—among world societies.

Le syndicalisme Espagnol dans le cadre des relations internationales: le cas de l' Union Générale des Travailleurs (1888–1986)

Le syndicalisme Espagnol dans le cadre des relations internationales: le cas de l' Union Générale des Travailleurs (1888–1986)

Mardi 15 Décembre 2015 

Centre Universitaire Jean-François Champollion 

Albi - Auditorium 2

A propos

The General Labour History of Africa, Second authors’ conference

The second General Labour History of Africa (GLHA) conference will be held from 10 to 12 December 2015 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The purpose of this initiative is to publish a seminal work on African labour, economic and social history, bringing together contributions from some of the most notable academics and researchers on labour history in Africa today. It follows on from the first GLHA Conference held in Addis Ababa in December 2013, when the participating authors met for the first time, in order to present and exchange their views and research. The project is the initiative of Dr.

No hay mañana sin ayer. Batallas por la memoria histórica en el Cono Sur

El Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas / Universidad Nacional de San Martín

tiene el agrado de convocar a la Presentación del libro

No hay mañana sin ayer.
Batallas por la memoria histórica en el Cono Sur

de Peter Winn, Steve Stern, Federico Lorenz y Aldo Marchesi
(Biblos, 2015)

Se referirán al libro
Peter Winn, Federico Lorenz y Vera Carnovale

Nieuwsbrief Amsab-ISG

Nieuwsbrief Amsab-ISG

10e jaargang, nr. 10, november 2015

Fototentoonstelling Wolf Suschitzky

In het kader van het Festival van de Gelijkheid brengt Curieus een unieke tentoonstelling met foto’s van Wolf Suschitzky in de sfeervolle museumkelder van Amsab-ISG.

Fietsersbond blaast 20 kaarsjes uit!

Op zaterdag 28 november viert de fietsersbeweging feest ter gelegenheid van het twintigjarige bestaan van de Fietsersbond. Er is een debat, een paar lezingen, een receptie en natuurlijk een knallend avondfeest in de Oude Graanmarkt in Brussel.

Anna Kuliscioff. Il socialismo e la cittadinanza della donna

E’ stato pubblicato il volume Anna Kuliscioff. Il socialismo e la cittadinanza della donna, che sarà presentato, in collaborazione con la Fondazione Argentina Altobelli, il giorno 2 dicembre 2015, alle ore 9,30, a Roma, presso il Senato della Repubblica (Sala Capitolare presso il Chiostro del Convento di Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Piazza della Minerva 38).

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