CfP for an edited volume on the Australian far left (1945 to the present)

Evan Smith (Flinders University), Matthew Worley (University of Reading) and Jon Piccini (University of Queensland) are calling for chapter proposals for an edited volume on the Australian far left in the post-war era (1945 to the present). Expanding on our work looking at the history of the British far left, we believe that a survey of the exciting new work being done of the far left in Australia and its influence on wider Australian political history is due.

We are currently seeking chapter proposals on the following topics:

CfP: Anti-communist persecutions in the 20th century

Many waves of mass violence against communists occurred in the twentieth century. They took place in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa, in capitalist but also in socialist countries. They happened before, during and after the Cold War. Such persecutions came about in a variety of situations - in peacetime, wartime, civil wars and/or guerrilla wars, as a prelude to World War II, and in the aftermath of World Wars I and II.

Doctoral Research Grants ERC research project "Looking West: the European Socialist regimes facing pan-European cooperation and the European Community"

The Department of History and Civilization at the European University Institute invites applications for 3 doctoral research grants in the framework of the ERC research project "Looking West: the European Socialist regimes facing pan-European cooperation and the European Community" (PanEur1970s).