Neo-Liberalism Before Its Time: Free Trade and Social Democracy in the Era of the ‘Great Compression’, 1945-1972

Leon Fink seminar at the University of Melbourne
Neo-Liberalism Before Its Time: Free Trade and Social Democracy in the Era of the ‘Great Compression’, 1945-1972

22 September 2015 at 5pm – South Lecture Theatre, Old Arts, University of Melbourne

Sociedad indiana. Group on Social History of the Indies

The social history of Iberian America and the Philippines, when they belonged to the Spanish Empire, is a broad field of interest that has often been underrepresented in the academic world. In fact, most programs of seminars or publications with a social perspective focus on the period after independence, and concentrate on industrial development, urban expansion, syndicalism and socialism. There are no real intellectual reasons for this limitation.

CFP: Arbeitsmigration: Frauen, Männer, Familie und die Ziegler aus Lippe

Call for Papers: Arbeitsmigration: Frauen, Männer, Familie und die Ziegler aus Lippe
Archivmaterial, historische Erkenntnisse und neue Forschungsimpulse

Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westfalen (LAV NRW), Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe und Internationales Institut für Sozialgeschichte Amsterdam

25-26 November 2015, Detmold, Landesarchiv NRW Abt. OWL, Willi-Hofmann-Str. 2, 32756 Detmold

CFP: 40th Anniversary Conference Social History Society UK

40th Anniversary Conference
Lancaster University, 21-23 March 2016

The annual Social History Society Conference is the largest gathering of social and cultural historians in the UK. Over the last four decades, our members have transformed historical research, inspired challenging work and explored the many ways in which our social worlds are made, imagined, shared and shattered.

CfP International Workshop Chronologies of Labour

CfP International Workshop Chronologies of Labour
Date: 1 September 2015
Location: Noida, India
International Workshop Chronologies of 'Labour': a Global Perspective, to be held 22–23 January 2016, at the Giri National Labour Institute, Noida, India

NB Proposals for papers (including an abstract of maximum 1,000 words) should be emailed to Prof. Ravi Ahuja, Centre for Modern Indian Studies, Göttingen, (link sends e-mail) by 1 September 2015.

Final Program 2015 Conference International Association of Labour History Institutions

The final programme of the 2015 Annual Conference of the International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI) has been released, see the attached document (in PDF).

The programme in brief:

Wednesday, 16 September 2015
From 16:00: Registration and Reception

Thursday, 17 September 2015
General Assembly
IALHI Projects
Members' Presentations

Friday, 18 September 2015
Theme Day:
Global Connections in Labour History: Collecting and Discovering Migrant Workers' Heritage

Saturday, 19 September 2015

TOC: Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv Newsletter 4/2015

Vor 90 Jahren: Die Erste Arbeiterolympiade

Veranstaltungen und Kooperationen des Schweizerischen Sozialarchivs

Andreas Schwab ist Gast im Sozialarchiv 2015

Veranstaltungsreihe „Wege zum Glück? – Utopien und alternative Lebensformen gestern und heute“

27. August 2015, 19.00 Uhr:
Utopien revisited – im Schnellgang durch 200 Jahre anderes Leben

12. September 2015, 14.30 Uhr:
Freiheit im Freidorf? Ein genossenschaftliches Pionierprojekt auf dem Prüfstand