Sugar, Steam and Steel: The Industrial Project in Colonial Java, 1830-1885

Recently, Roger Knight’s Sugar, Steam and Steel: The Industrial Project in Colonial Java, 1830-1885 appeared. This book brings together the findings of Knight’s decades of research on the Java sugar industry. We would like to invite you to a discussion seminar on this important work at the International Institute of Social History on Wednesday 10 June at 15.30.  


15.30-15.40 Welcome by Ulbe Bosma (Senior Researcher IISH)

15.40-16.00 Roger Knight

16.00-16.20 Comment by Alicia Schrikker (Lecturer Institute for History Leiden University)

"The Suffragette", une collection emblématique de la presse féministe

Il y a 70 ans en France, les femmes se rendaient pour la première fois aux urnes... l'occasion pour la BDIC de vous faire redécouvrir "The Suffragette", une collection emblématique de la presse féministe.
Ces militantes de la "première vague" (fin 19ème-début 20ème s.) ont contribué à faire avancer et reconnaitre les droits politiques des femmes en Europe.
Le mot clé "Périodiques du féminisme" vous permet d'accéder aux titres déjà numérisés dans l'Argonnaute. Ce fonds sera amené à s'enrichir très prochainement.

Dalla rivoluzione al governo. La sinistra di Antonio Mordini nell’età della destra, 1861-1869 di Christian Satto

Martedì 12 maggio
La Fondazione di studi storici Filippo Turati
comunica la presentazione del volume,
edito nella propria collana per i tipi Angeli,

Dalla rivoluzione al governo. La sinistra di Antonio Mordini nell’età della destra, 1861-1869
di Christian Satto

Biblioteca di storia moderna e contemporanea
Palazzo Mattei di Giove
Via Michelangelo Caetani n.32, Roma – alle ore 17

Ne discutono con l’autore Zeffiro Ciuffoletti e Giuseppe Monsagrati
Coordina Lauro Rossi

Assembling the Post-Liberal Order in Central and Eastern Europe (1929-1956)

Organized by the History Department of the Central European University and by the Past Inc. Center for Historical Studies, this workshop is meant to serve as a preliminary meeting seeking to establish a research agenda on Central and Eastern European societies that is sensitive to the manifold impact of the Great Depression and to the transformations that came in its aftermath.

NYLHA Wertheimer and Bellush Prizes


To recognize serious study in labor and work history among undergraduate students, the New York Labor History Association annually awards the Barbara Wertheimer Prize for the best research paper written during the previous academic year. Wertheimer was a leading labor educator and scholar.