Working Class Movement Library Newsletter

1. Our popular free Invisible Histories talks are underway again in their usual Wednesday 2pm slot.
Wed 25 March ''Red Nelson": the English working class and the making of C.L.R. James - Christian Hogsbjerg
The ten months that the black Trinidadian writer C.L.R. James spent in the cotton textile town of Nelson in NE Lancashire from 1932-33 were 'ten months that shook his world'. This talk will discuss how James's experience in Nelson shaped his emergence as one of the most important socialist intellectuals in Britain during the Great Depression.

Arbeiter | Kultur | Geschichte. Arbeiterfotografie der Weimarer Republik im Museum


Institut für Sächsische Geschichte und Volkskunde e.V. und das Stadtmuseum Dresden in Zusammenarbeit mit der Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig, dem Käthe Kollwitz Museum Köln und den Kunstsammlungen Zwickau

Gefördert von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und der Sächsischen Landesstelle für Museumswesen

27. und 28. März 2015

im Stadtmuseum Dresden

Together and Apart. The Urban Family in Russia in the Twentieth Century

On 6 March the IISH exhibition Together and Apart. The Urban Family in Russia in the Twentieth Century opened its doors in the Russian port-city of Vladivostok.

Formerly on show in de Drenths Museum in Assen, in Moscow and in St. Petersburg, Together and Apart is based on the results of IISH research and shows the impact of Russia’s turbulent twentieth century on the form, function and evolution of the family and household in Russia.

Global Connections in Labour History: Collecting and Discovering Migrant Workers’ Heritage

46th Annual Conference of the International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI)

Call for Papers

Global Connections in Labour History: Collecting and Discovering Migrant Workers’ Heritage

16-19 September 2015, National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh

Dear Friends,

IALHI 2015 Annual Conference

The 2015 Annual Conference International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI) will be held from 16 to 19 September, and will be hosted by the National Library of Scotland in Edinburgh.

The (draft) Programme, Call for papers and Registration form have just been published.

Here is the programme in brief:

Wednesday, 16 September 2015
17:00 Registration and Welcome

Thursday, 17 September 2015
General Assembly
IALHI Projects
Members' Presentations

Bollettino dell'Archivio Giuseppe Pinelli

Bollettino 44

cose nostre

• Riflessioni sparse di un dopo-convegno

di Varden Riddani

• L’autobiografia di Rudolf Rocker finalmente tradotta in lingua italiana

di David Bernardini

• Novità dell’Archivio Pinelli

Memoria storica

• Il fuoco e la brace o i rischi del mestiere

di Michele Abbiati e David Bernardini

• Alfons Thomasz Pilarski (1902-1977)

di David Bernardini


• Antonia Fontanillas (1917-2014)

di Felip Équy

Revue Matériaux N°113-114 - Mémoires de la Grande Guerre

Matériaux pour l’histoire de notre temps

Numéro 113-114 . Année 2014

Mémoires de la Grande Guerre

Mémoires de la Grande Guerre
Benjamin Gilles et Nicolas Offenstadt

Cultures de la mémoire de la Première Guerre mondiale en Autriche. Le « Jubilé » 1914/2014
Andrea Brait

La mémoire de la Grande Guerre en ex-Tchécoslovaquie
Michal Ksinan, Juraj Babjak

Newsletter Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv

Veranstaltungen und Kooperationen des Schweizerischen Sozialarchivs

Wem gehört der Kreis 5?
Ein Stadtquartier sieht und erfindet sich neu

„Erlebte Schweiz“ mit kommentierten Filmausschnitten zum Thema Alter

„Anarchia tra storia e arte“ in Mendrisio
Ausstellung „Anarchie in Kunst und Geschichte – Von Bakunin zum Monte Verità, von Courbet bis Dada“

Neues aus dem Archiv

Bestand Vereinigung Unabhängiger Ärztinnen und Ärzte (VUA)

Neues aus der Bibliothek

'Latin America and Caribbean Network on Labour History' website launch

In Buenos Aires, at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín, on March 10 Rossana Barragán will launch the web-page about research and archives on Latin America and Caribbean Network on Labour History. The aim of the Latin American Network on Labour History is: "to build a community network of scholars who do research on Latin American and Caribbean Labour History from the XVI century until the present". The web-page provides a database of almost 900 articles from leading journals on Labour history and on broad issues related to this topic.