Action directe et défense des conditions de travail hier et aujourd'hui

Action directe et défense des conditions de travail hier et aujourd'hui

Mercredi 25 février 2015
Université Ouvrière de Genève (UOG)

A l'occasion de parution du livre d'Alexandre Elsig, La Ligue d'action du bâtiment. L'anarchisme à la conquête des chantiers genevois dans l'entre-deux-guerres, le Collège du travail organise une rencontre-débat avec des interventions de l'auteur ainsi que de Manuela Cattani (SIT, CGAS), Vincent Leggiero (SEV-TPG) et Alessandro Pelizzari (Unia, CGAS). Modération: Michel Schweri.

New Perspectives on Slaveries in the African World. A History Symposium

On the heels of the international conference on "Slavery in Africa" held in Kenya and Kwasi Konadu's Transatlantic Africa, which tells the story of transatlantic slaving through African optics and voices, this symposium brings together leading thinkers of global slaveries in the African world to share their work through a full-day of engaged dialogue, offering new perspectives and directions.

This program is sponsored by the Advanced Research Collaborative and the Ph.D Program in History. The symposium is free and open to the public. Seating is limited.

International Workshop on Wage Labour, Capital and Precarity in African and Global History

Date: 13 March 2015 to 14 March 2015
Location: IISH and Leiden University
The international workshop is organised by the International Institute of Social History, the Institute for History of Leiden University and the African Studies Centre of Leiden

Convenors: Prof. Jan-Bart Gewald (ASC and Leiden University) and Dr. Stefano Bellucci (IISH and Leiden University)

Call for PhD applications in anarchist studies

The Department of Government at University College Cork is currently seeking applications from prospective PhD students in any area of anarchist studies. More information about the PhD in Government programme, including application procedures and sources of financial support, may be found here: Applicants are invited to contact the Programme Director Dr. Laurence Davis (


Il fascismo in tempo reale

Il fascismo in tempo reale. Studi e ricerche di Angelo Tasca sulla genesi e l’evoluzione del regime fascista. (1926-1938) è il quarantottesimo volume degli Annali: la Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli operando una scelta del ricco materiale tratto anche dalla documentazione in possesso della Fondazione Istituto Gramsci, ricostruisce il cantiere di lavoro di Angelo Tasca, e ci aiuta a comprendere cosa significhi interrogare la storia in tempo reale.

1st Conference of the European Labour History Network (ELHN)

1st Conference of the European Labour History Network (ELHN)
14 – 16 December 2015, Torino/Turin (Italy)
Conference language: English

The European Labour History Network (ELHN) is pleased to announce its first conference from 14-16 December 2015 at the University of Turin facilitated and hosted by Stefano Musso (President of the Società Italiana di Storia del lavoro/SISLav – Italian Society of Labour History).


CFP: Economic Encounters in the Age of Ideology: Exploring the Business Dimension of Political Confrontation (China, Russia, Europe, 1945-1991)

The new century has revealed that the barriers between Socialist economies and the Free World were more porous than expected (Dobson; Cain; Segreto) and that enterprises and businessmen played an important part in East-West interaction (Autio-Sarasmo and Miklossy; Eloranta and Ojala; Jensen-Eriksen). Nevertheless, a serious analysis of trade is clearly lacking from Cold War historiography.