Irish Labour History Society 2014 Annual Winter Conference

Irish Labour History Society
Saturday 1st November 2014
“We Serve neither King nor Kaiser”

10 - 10.30am Registration

10.35 Opening Remarks

10.45 - 12.15 Session One
Pádraig Yeates: DMP arrests in the period January to June 1916
Theresa Moriarty: The Effect of World War 1 on the influence of trade unions
John Cunningham: Tom Glynn: Anti-War Activist

12.15 - 12.40 Questions & Answers Session

12.45 - 13.30 Lunch Break

CFP: Workers of all lands unite? Working-class nationalism and internationalism until 1945

Workers of all lands, unite? is a conference organized by a group of postgraduate students from the Department of History and the Department of American and Canadian Studies at the University of Nottingham. It aims to gather postgraduate students (PhDs, MRes, MA), early career researchers, trade unionists and activists interested in working class nationalism and internationalism. The event will take place on the 7th of March, 2015, and will be held at the Highfield House, University of Nottingham.

Journal de la BDIC

N°37 - Octobre 2014

Page 1: L’Argonnaute

Page 2 et 3. Le mot des lecteurs : Le bonheur du journaliste ?

Page 3. Librairie : Matériaux et la commémoration de la Grande Guerre

Pages 4 et 5. Actualités : Une nouvelle ressource pédagogique : le cartable numérique de la BDIC / Mise à flot de l’Argonnaute, la nouvelle bibliothèque numérique de la BDIC

CFP: Social History Society 2015 Annual Conference

SHS Annual Conference 2015: Call for Papers
Portsmouth University, March 31st – April 2nd 2015

The annual Social History Society Conference is the largest gathering of social and cultural historians in the UK. In 2015 the conference will take place at Portsmouth University from 31 March to 2 April. Proposals for individual papers and panels are warmly invited from new and established researchers in the field.

Publication: Mundos del Trabajo en Transformación

'Mundos del Trabajo en transformación: entre lo local y lo global '(Changing Worlds of Work: between the Local and the Global) is a new book edited by IISH's research staff members Rossana Barragán and Pilar Uriona.

Five main themes are presented in the book: Global Labour History, Recent Changes in Labour, Domestic Workers, Migration and Labour, Organizations, Labour Struggles and Conflicts.

Nieuwsbrief Amsab-Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis

30 jaar Ghanezen in Gent en Oost-Vlaanderen

In het kader van het migratiejaar en het project 30 jaar Ghanezen in Gent en Oost-Vlaanderen organiseert het Centrum voor de Ontwikkeling van de Jeugd van Ghana op vrijdag 17 oktober 2014 een gezellige vertelavond in het Trefpunt in Gent.

Eritrea, het vergeten land

Op zaterdag 18 oktober 2014 om 15 u organiseert Amsab-medewerker Tecle Zere met de Eritrese gemeenschap een namiddag over Eritrea in Herberg Macharius, in samenwerking met de Buren van de Abdij en Amsab-ISG.

Newsletter Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

Nell'ambito delle attività di ricerca di Spazio Lavoro, la Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli lancia quattro borse di studio finanziate attraverso la modalità crowdfunding. Con l'operazione di finanziamento in modalità crowdfunding delle borse di studio si intende percorrere una strada che vuole favorire l'incontro tra le competenze di chi fa ricerca e le istanze sollevate dalla collettività.