IIº Congreso de Historia Intelectual de América Latina

IIº Congreso de Historia Intelectual de América Latina
La biografía colectiva en la historia intelectual latinoamericana
Centro de Historia Intelectual, UNQ - CeDInCI-UNSAM
Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 12, 13 y 14 de noviembre de 2014
Sociedad Científica Argentina (Av. Santa Fe 1145, CABA)
Museo Roca. Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas (Vicente López 2220, CABA)

CFP: What is Radical History?

Call for Papers

'What is Radical History?':
A One-Day Post-Graduate Led Interdisciplinary Conference

Tuesday, March 24th 2015. Birkbeck, University of London

'Historical writing always has some effect on us. It may reinforce passivity; it may activate us. In any case, the historian cannot choose to be neutral; [s]he writes on a moving train.' Howard Zinn