Exposición conmemorativa del 125 aniversario de UGT: "1888-2013: Una historia de lucha y logros"

Inauguración de la exposición

1888-2013: Una historia de lucha y logros

La Fundación F. Largo Caballero le invita a la inauguración de la exposición conmemorativa del 125 aniversario de la Unión General de Trabajadores 1888-2013: Una historia de lucha y logros, el lunes 23 de septiembre a las 12:30 h. en la sede de los Archivos del Movimiento Obrero de Alcalá de Henares.


José Antonio Gutiérrez de Mesa,
Vicerrector de Innovación y Nuevas Tecnologías de la Universidad de Alcalá.

Work and Compulsion: Coerced Labour in Domestic, Service, Agricultural, Factory and Sex Work, ca. 1850-2000s (ITH Conference, 25-28 Sept. 2014)

Call for Papers

Work and Compulsion: Coerced Labour in Domestic, Service, Agricultural, Factory and Sex Work, ca. 1850-2000s

The International Conference of Labour and Social History (ITH), Austria, announces the 50th Linz Conference, 25-28 Sept. 2014.

Preparatory group

Integrity Project Conferences

The Integrity Project is an interdisciplinary project which explores the social, institutional, political and psychological preconditions for acting and speaking with integrity; those which undermine the possibility of integrity; and the consequences for individuals and societies of widespread failures of integrity. The project team are organizing two conferences for the spring and summer of 2014, and are looking for historians who would be interested in contributing a paper that connects with the project’s themes.

Cile 1973. Da Allende alla dittatura nei documenti della Fondazione Feltrinelli

La Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli Orientale, con la Fundación Salvador Allende di Santiago del Cile, e con il patrocinio del Comune di Milano, in occasione della ricorrenza dei 40 anni dagli eventi che sconvolsero il Cile di Salvador Allende, realizza la mostra:

Cile 1973. Da Allende alla dittatura nei documenti della Fondazione Feltrinelli

Per indagare e raccontare gli eventi che quarant’anni fa mutarono il corso della storia dell’America Latina.

1913 Dublin Lockout Centenary Conference

Struggle, Solidarity and Defeat: 1913 Dublin Lockout Centenary Conference

Saturday 19 October 2013
Old Fire Station, The Crescent, University of Salford, Salford, M5 4WT.


9.45am -10.30am: Registration and Coffee

10.30am - 10.45am: Welcome and Introduction

10.45am - 11.30am: The Dublin Lockout
Speaker: Padraig Yeates, former Irish Times industry and employment correspondent; author of Lockout: Dublin 1913; project manager of the Irish 1913 Committee

The Center for the Cold War and the United States Fall 2013 Schedule

Cold War Seminar: “Dictatorship across Borders: The Brazilian influence on the overthrowing of Salvador Allende.”
Speaker: Mila Burns
Date/Time: September 26, 2013, 5:00-7:00

Cold War Seminar: “American University, “"Finding Tito-Land: US -Yugoslav Aid Relations from Inside the Yugoslav Archives, 1948-1963.”
Speaker: Louie Milojevic
Date/Time: October 24, 2013, 5:00-7:00

Cold War Seminar: “Cold War Comrades: The African American Freedom Struggle and the Cuban Revolution.”
Speaker: Sarah Seidman
Date/Time: November 14, 2013, 5:00-7:00


Organização: Instituto de História Contemporânea da FCSH da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Arquivo & Biblioteca da Fundação Mário Soares, CETAC – Centro de Estudos das Tecnologias e Ciências da Comunicação
Local: Lisboa, Biblioteca Nacional (Campo Grande, 83 - 1749-081) | Auditório
Datas: 22 e 23 de Outubro de 2013
Data limite para submissão de propostas: 20 de Setembro de 2013
Submissão de propostas para: arquivosdigitais2013@gmail.com até 20 de Setembro de 2013

Brood & Rozen, new issue

Paule Verbruggen
pp. 2-3
Jan Steyaert 
Canon sociaal werk: virtuele geschiedenis van een beroep 
pp. 5-19
Donald Weber
Sociale dumping in het Europese wegvervoer, 1990-2012 
pp. 20-25
Gertjan Desmet
Enkele bedenkingen over verenigingsarchief 
pp. 27-41 
Marc Constandt