"Building International Labor Solidarity" - thematic issue Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society

Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society

Call for papers: "Building International Labor Solidarity"

Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society will devote a thematic issue to Building International Labor Solidarity, which will be published in early 2014. The thematic editor is Kim Scipes of Purdue University North Central who will work closely with Working USA editor, Immanuel Ness.

International Review of Social History Accessible Online

IRSH Articles Accessible Online
All articles in IISH's renowned journal International Review of Social History (since 1956) and its predecessors (since 1936) are now accessible online through the IISH catalogue.

Search the integrated catalogue on author and/or title, add IRSH in the search field and click the 'Get full text' button.

For instance, a search on Rüter IRSH brings in the introductory article written on the occasion of the launch of the journal in 1956, written by the IISH director at the time.

ITH Conference: Towards a Global History of Domestic Workers and Caregivers

49th Linz Conference
Date: 12 September 2013 to 15 September 2013
Location: Linz, Austria
Towards a Global History of Domestic Workers and Caregivers

The conference focuses on the global history of domestic workers in private homes, a labour market that over time has included, in addition to physical labour, care for infants, children, and the elderly (“emotional labour”).

The Linz Conference is organized by the International Conference of Labour and Social History (ITH), Austria, in cooperation with

Beyond Guilds: Work and Manufactures in the European Cities, 14th-18th centuries - EAUH 2014

September 3, 2014 - September 6, 2014, 12th International Conference on Urban History in Lisbon, Portugal.

Call for paper for the session M15. Beyond Guilds: Work and Manufactures in the European Cities, 14th-18th centuries

Keywords: Urban Economies; Labour Market; Europe; Manufactures; Medieval and Early Modern Period

Period: Middle Ages; Early Modern

Type: Main Session

Session organizer(s):
Luca Mocarelli (Italy) - University of Milan - Bicocca Markus Cerman (Austria) - Inst. f. Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der Universität Wien