Archives et socialisme après Marx

Archives et socialisme après Marx
Autour des fonds de Paul Lafargue, Charles et Jean Longuet

2 juillet 2013
Archives nationales, hôtel de Soubise
60 rue des Francs-bourgeois
75003 Paris (rez-de-chaussée)

Journée d’étude organisée par
les Archives nationales,
les Archives départementales de la Seine-Saint-Denis,
la Fondation Jean-Jaurès
et la Fondation Gabriel Péri.
Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles

The sound of authorities

The artist Diego Tonus created a project 'Processing Authorities', based on the unique collection of gavels belonging to the International Institute of Social History. These hammers were used in assemblies of Dutch emancipatory movements in the 19th and 20th centuries for calling the meeting to order or marking the conclusion of collective decisions. The Institute collected the hammers over the years when they became redundant as the organizations dissolved.

The political economy of samizdat

OSA Archivum and the CEU Institute for Advanced Study cordially invite you to:

The political economy of samizdat

A public lecture delivered by


Central European University / OSA Archivum

What did the gray army of underground press editors, printers and distributors think of their activities from a political point of view? This question is motivated by a double aim: to re-introduce the political background into samizdat studies, and to open up the history of political thought from a grassroots perspective.

Nieuwsbrief Amsab-ISG

9e jaargang, nr. 8, juni 2013

Nieuw webportaal voor sociale geschiedenis
Amsab-ISG werkte mee aan de nieuwe portaalwebsite Die geeft toegang tot honderdduizenden gedigitaliseerde documenten over sociale geschiedenis, onder meer uit onze collectie.

Datasets Amsab-ISG op
Met enige trots melden we dat Amsab-ISG een van de eerste organisaties is die een stuk van zijn collectie ter beschikking stelt op het platform

Hobsbawm, Newton und Jazz

Forschungsprojekt "Musik und Jugendkulturen" am Musikwissenschaftlichen Institut der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und Arbeitsbereich Zeitgeschichte des Historischen Seminars der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 15.11.2013-16.11.2013, Mainz
Deadline: 15.07.2013

International Conference on the Comparative Social Histories of Labour in the Oil Industry

The International Institute of Social History (IISH) organizes a conference to be held from 13 until 16 June 2013 in Amsterdam on the comparative social histories of labour in the oil industry.

The conference is part of the larger project Labour in the Iranian Oil Industry at the IISH, which is supported by the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO).