Africa in World History

African Network in Global History / Réseau african d'histoire mondiale under the sponsorship of the Department of History of the Université de Ouagadougou and the Fondation Joseph Ki-Zerbo 19.08.2013-20.08.2013, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

The bilingual conference, in French and English, includes a celebration of the legacy of Joseph Ki-Zerbo-long-time president of the Association of African Historians-and 14 scheduled presentations on aspects of African and global history.

Fourth European Congress on World and Global History: Encounters, Circulations and Conflicts

CFP: Fourth European Congress on World and Global History: Encounters, Circulations and Conflicts - Paris 09/14

European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH) 04.09.2014-07.09.2014, Paris
Deadline: 30.09.2013

Following an excellent response to our earlier Call for Panels, with over 130 proposals submitted, we now cordially invite paper proposals on encounters, circulations, and conflicts in, or spanning, different parts of the world. [Please note the changed congress date]

The Material Sides of Marriage: Female goods and women's economic role in the domestic sphere in Greek, Roman and Byzantine times

CFP: The Material Sides of Marriage: Female goods and women's economic role in the domestic sphere in Greek, Roman and Byzantine times - Rom 11/13

PD Dr. Sabine R. Huebner; Dr. Ria Berg
21.11.2013-22.11.2013, Rom, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae ("Villa Lante") Passeggiata del Gianicolo 10, 00165 Roma, Italia
Deadline: 15.07.2013

Matériaux pour l'histoire de notre temps

Matériaux pour l'histoire de notre temps

Les Balkans, l'Europe et les guerres de 1912-1913

Fabrice Jesné, Introduction

Fabrice Jesné et Vincent Capdepuy, Balkanisation.
Histoire d’un concept

Mathieu Jestin, Quand la diplomatie consulaire se penche
sur la question macédonienne, 1899-1912

Renaud Dorhliac, « La liberté et la mort » : dynamiques
de l’occupation grecque de l’Epire
durant les guerres balkaniques

Labour and Empire in the Age of Decolonisation: the British Experience, 1919-1984

Appel à communications / Call for Papers

Journée d'études du 8 novembre 2013 / One-Day Conference, Friday 8 November 2013

CREW (Centre for Research on the English-Speaking World)
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 / Paris 3 (Sorbonne Nouvelle) University

Mouvements ouvriers et décolonisation : l'expérience britannique, 1919-1984

Labour and Empire in the Age of Decolonisation: the British Experience, 1919-1984

(Please scroll down for English version)