How Class Works

The Center for Study of Working Class Life is pleased to announce the How Class Works – 2014 Conference, to be held at the State University of New
York at Stony Brook, June 5-7, 2014. Proposals for papers, presentations, and sessions are welcome until December 11, 2013 according to the guidelines below.

For more information, visit our Web site at <>.

Entrare al lavoro. Formazione e reclutamento nella storia italiana

Seminario SISLav - società italiana di storia del lavoro

FIRENZE 3 GIUGNO 2013 - ore 11.30 - 16.30

Entrare al lavoro
Formazione e reclutamento nella storia italiana

Stefano Gallo (Istoreco Livorno) e Gilda Zazzara (Università Ca' Foscari)
Introduzione: i perché di un seminario

11.30 I. Mutamenti e continuità

Luca Mocarelli (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
Entrare al lavoro nelle città dell'Europa preindustriale. Corporazioni e lavoro libero tra teoria e prassi

Walter-Markov-Prize 2013

Untitled Document

European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH) and Institute for Cultural and Universal History, Leipzig 15.04.2013, Leipzig
Deadline: 15.08.2013

Die Karl-Lamprecht-Gesellschaft / ENIUGH und das Institut für Kultur- und Universalgeschichte schreiben in zweijährigem Rhytmus den Walter-Markov-Preis für Geschichtswissenschaften aus.

Strikes and Social conflicts: Combined Approaches to Conflicts (Eighteenth Century to Present)

Untitled Document

Maison des Sciences de L'Homme, International Association Strikes and Social Conflicts 15.05.2013-17.05.2013, Dijon

The second International Conference Strikes and Social Conflicts, organised by the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Dijon in partnership with the International Association Strikes and Social Conflicts, aims to open new avenues for thinking about social conflicts in a multidisciplinary and global perspective.

Die ostmitteleuropäischen Freiheitsbewegungen 1953-1989. Opposition, Aufstände und Revolutionen im kommunistischen Machtbereich

Deutsche Gesellschaft e. V.; Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur; Collegium Hungaricum Berlin 25.04.2013-26.04.2013, Berlin, Collegium Hungaricum, Dorotheenstraße 12, 10117 Berlin
Deadline: 24.04.2013

60 Jahre nach dem Volksaufstand in der DDR widmet sich die Konferenz den Freiheitsbestrebungen im ehemaligen Ostblock. Sie versucht Antworten in vergleichender Perspektive zu geben, um die Auseinandersetzung mit der deutschen und ostmitteleuropäischen Geschichte voranzutreiben.

Getting Organized. The Emergence of Political Parties, Clubs and Reform Organizations in the long 19th century

The team of the research project 'The Promise of Organization', Institute for History, Leiden University (The Netherlands)
16.01.2014-18.01.2014, Leiden (The Netherlands)
Deadline: 01.05.2013

Important! Conference (and admission) postponed
Due to circumstances, this conference is postponed to 16-18 January 2014. Also, the due date for proposals is postponed to 1 May 2013. Our sincere apologies to those who are misled by previous announcements.