Work and Property in Europe (1500-1900): Toward a Connected History - ESSHC 2014

CFP: "Work and Property in Europe (1500-1900): Toward a Connected History", European Social Science History Conference (Wien, 23-26 April 2014)

Michela Barbot (ENS Cachan, Paris), Fabrice Boudjaaba (CRH-EHESS, Paris), Andrea Caracausi (University of Padua), Luca Mocarelli (Bicocca University, Milan)

General Aim of the Project

Northern Radical History Network Meeting

Dear Friends,

For those of you in the UK, this may be of interest...

We are pleased to announce the next Northern Radical History Network meeting will take place on Saturday 20 April 2013 in Bradford. This year marks 50 years since the publication of E. P. Thompson's The Making of the English Working Class, and the book, its author and the book's impact and legacy will be our meeting's focus.

Examining Sources for Writing the History of the Labour Movement in the Late Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic

Examining Sources for Writing the History of the Labour Movement in the Late Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic, Istanbul, November 16-17, 2013

This conference is organized through a collaboration of the Social History Research Foundation of Turkey (TUSTAV), the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK) and the History Foundation (Tarih Vakfi). It will be held in Istanbul, Turkey on November 16-17, 2013.

Gewerkschaftsgeschichtliche Tagung "Repräsentationen der Arbeit" und AfS 54,2014 "Soziale Ungleichheit"

CfP/CfA Gewerkschaftsgeschichtliche Tagung "Repräsentationen der Arbeit" und AfS 54,2014 "Soziale Ungleichheit"

das Kooperationsprojekt "Jüngere und jüngste Gewerkschaftsgeschichte" der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung und der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung macht auf zwei Call for Papers/Call for Articles aufmerksam:

1. Das Call for Papers zur Tagung Neuere Perspektiven auf die Gewerkschaftsgeschichte IV, die sich dieses Jahr am 07./08. November in Düsseldorf mit "Reprsäentationen der Arbeit" befassen wird.

Session Papers for "Singles and the Economy, 1500-1900" - 10th Swedish Economic History Meeting

CfP: Session Papers for “Singles and the Economy, 1500-1900”

Title of session: Singles and the Economy, 1500-1900

Organizers of Session:
Julie De Groot (Antwerp University)
Ariadne Schmidt (Leiden University)
Jacob Weisdorf (Universities of Southern Denmark and Utrecht)

Conference: 10th Swedish Economic History Meeting
Venue: Lund, Sweden
Date: 4-5 Oct 2013
Conference website:

New issues IRSH and TSEG

The new issue of the Dutch Journal of Social and Economic History (TSEG, no 1, 2013) opens with a research article by Barbara Henkes on Dutch emigration and South African nation building: Een warm welkom voor blanke nieuwkomers? Nederlandse emigratie en Zuid-Afrikaanse natievorming (1902-1961).

Neo-Malthusianism in France

A new web exhibition presents the story of anticonception in France in the 19th and 20th centuries. The anarchists Paul Robin and Jeanne and Eugène Humbert were trailblazers and leaders of the neo-Malthusian debate.

The ideas of both adherents and opponents of birth control are presented in posters, rare and often fragile booklets, pamphlets and letters, mainly from the Jeanne and Eugène Humbert papers at the IISH.


Policing Empires: Social Control, Political Transition, (Post-)Colonial Legacies

CFP: Policing Empires: Social Control, Political Transition, (Post-)Colonial Legacies - Brussels 12/13

Emmanuel Blanchard (CESDIP/Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin); Marieke Bloembergen (KITLV); Margo De Koster (Université Catholique de Louvain/Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Amandine Lauro (FNRS/Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium), Brussels 12.12.2013-13.12.2013, Brussels
Deadline: 01.05.2013