Work in a Globalising World: Gender, Mobility, Markets

Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology, Universität Bielefeld 08.04.2013-10.04.2013, Bielefeld, Internationales Begegnungszentrum der Wissenschaft/ International Guesthouse (IBZ), Bielefeld University

Monday, 8 April 2013

4:00 pm Registration

6:00 pm Welcome Address
Thomas Welskopp, Director of the BGHS

6:15 pm Opening Lecture
Marcel van der Linden (IISH, Amsterdam, Netherlands): The World Working
Class: A long View

8:00 pm Reception

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

9:00 am Registration

Cultures of Opposition. Samizdat in East Central Europe

Herder-Institut für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung -Institut der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft 24.04.2013, Marburg

Samizdat and cultures of opposition are not only a past phenomenon, but also a very present research and collection issue. For oppositional movements in East Central Europe independent underground publishing was more than a way to overcome the state's monopoly of information. The samizdat formed a broad forum for oppositional debate, both negotiating strategy and oppositional identity.

Lavoro, lavoratori e lavoratrici: la storia e il presente

Dipartimento di Antichità, Filosofia, Storia (Università di Genova)
Società Italiana di Storia del Lavoro (SISLav)
Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea (CNR - Genova)

Presentazione della Società Italiana di Storia del Lavoro


Mercoledì 3 aprile, ore 17
Aula Magna della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
via Balbi 2, Genova

Stefano Musso (Università di Torino / Presidente SISLav)
Fare storia del lavoro oggi

Newsletter Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

Newsletter n. 2 - 22 marzo 2013

Mercoledì 27 marzo 2013 ore 18
Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli
via Romagnosi, 3 - Milano

Adolfo Ceretti e Roberto Cornelli presentano

Cinque riflessioni su criminalità, società e politica

Con Gad Lerner, Giuliano Pisapia e Livia Pomodoro

leggi tutta la notizia

Online il nuovo "Testo ritrovato"

Pierre Bayle

Jetzt waechst zusammen, was zusammen gehoert. Arbeiterbewegung(en) in Deutschland seit 1945

Conf. Ann: Jetzt wächst zusammen, was zusammen gehört. Arbeiterbewegung(en) in Deutschland seit 1945 - Chemnitz 04/13

Sächsisches Industriemuseum Chemnitz, TECHNOSEUM Mannheim, Universität Mannheim Technische, Universität Chemnitz 11.04.2013-12.04.2013, Chemnitz, Industriemuseum Chemnitz

Durch Nacht zum Licht? Wissenschaftliche Tagung "Jetzt wächst zusammen, was zusammen gehört. Arbeiterbewegung(en) in Deutschland seit 1945".

Imperial Connections and Household Labour Relations - ESSHC

Call for Papers (ESSHC Vienna 2014): Imperial Connections and Household Labour Relations

From April 23-26 2014, The International Institute for Social History will organize the Tenth European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) in Vienna. We particularly invite PhD students to send their paper proposals for panels comprising 4 participants under the theme 'Imperial connections and household labour relations'.

Nieuwsbrief Amsab-ISG

Nieuwsbrief Amsab-ISG, 8e jaargang, nr. 5, maart 2012

Het Feestlokaal van Vooruit in Gent wordt dit jaar 100. In de hele stad wordt dat gevierd. Amsab-ISG doet daar – als hét huis van bewaring van het rijke erfgoed van Vooruit – uiteraard volop aan mee. Er staat heel wat op het programma in dit feestjaar:

In het STAM

In het STAM kan je van 1 mei tot 1 december 2013 100 jaar Vooruit bezoeken, een tentoonstelling over de geschiedenis van het Feestlokaal.