Labor Archives annual program - Eileen Boris on domestic workers

Labor Archives and Research Center 27th Annual Program Friday, February 22, 2013 ~ 6:30pm

Guest Speaker: Eileen Boris, University of California, Santa Barbara “More than a Labor of Love: the Work of Home Care”

Mujeres Unidas y Activas Organizing Update:
Sylvia Lopez and Dalia Rubiano

Musical Performance: Lichi Fuentes

Light Refreshments at 6:30pm, program begins at 7:00pm

Free and Open to the Public. Wheelchair accessible.

ILHA Book of the Year Award 2012 to _The Production of Difference_ by David R. Roediger and Elizabeth D. Esch

The International Labor History Association (ILHA) is pleased to announce the ILHA Book of the Year Award for 2012. The volume, The Production of Difference, published by Oxford University Press (2012), is by David R. Roediger and Elizabeth D. Esch. Covering the period 1830-1930 while offering a series of case studies, the book examines race management, with a transnational trajectory. Roediger and Esch locate a key fulcrum implemented by U.S. managers of labor, including slave owners, to enhance profits and undermine labor solidarity at home and abroad.

Acto homenaje en honor del historiador Julio Aróstegui con motivo de la publicación LARGO CABALLERO el teson y la quimera

La Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero, La Escuela Julián Besteiro y DEBATE,
le invitan al acto homenaje en honor del historiador


con motivo de la publicación del libro

El tesón y la quimera

En el acto participarán:

José Carrillo, rector de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Cándido Méndez, Secretario General de UGT.

Juan Andrés Blanco, Catedrático de Historia Contemporánea de la Universidad de Salamanca.

Jesús Pérez, Presidente de la Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero.

Organizing the Dirty Work: Workplace Inequality, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Occupational Health and Safety


I currently am organizing a panel for the labor network for the Social Science History meeting in Chicago, November 21-24. Following on the conferences theme, Organizing Powers, we are looking for papers that would fit under the topic:

Organizing the Dirty Work: Workplace Inequality, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Occupational Health and Safety.

We have two papers so far, one on African American workers at the Rouge and one on women and the UAW efforts prior to Johnson Controls.