El PCE y el PSOE en [la] transición

Estimados amigos:

Os informamos que el GRUPO de ESTUDIOS sobre la HISTORIA CONTEMPORÁNEA de EXTREMADURA (GEHCEx) y el COLECTIVO LA TRASTIENDA han organizado la presentación del libro:

EL PCE Y EL PSOE EN [LA] TRANSICIÓN. La evolución ideológica de la izquierda durante el proceso de cambio político
Ed. Siglo XXI, 2012.

que tendrá lugar el viernes 11 de mayo de 2012 a las 19:30 h. en el CENTRO CULTURAL ALCAZABA, Tercera Planta (C/ John Lennon. MÉRIDA).

The catalogue of the Rodolf Hervé (1957-2000) Collection

The catalogue of the Rodolf Hervé (1957-2000) Collection at OSA Archivum is available online.The 173 footages are video documentation of the period from the regime change to 1994 and served as raw material for the artist’s art projects. The Hervé family and his onetime colleagues actively collaborated in the preservation and digitization of the collection. On September 12, 2012 OSA Archivum launches a major exhibition of Rodolf Hervé’s oeuvre and the evolution of the cultural underground in Budapest. The video collection is freely researchable in the Archives.

A Call from the Wall - Political Posters Through 100 Years

A Call from the Wall - Political Posters Through 100 Years
Temporary Exhibition: February 11 – May 28, 2012

“The poster is waging war from every other street corner in the industrial city", Social Democrat Julius Bomholt wrote in 1932. The war metaphor reflects the massive presence of political posters in the public or private sphere during the last 100 years. From walls and lampposts posters have served as weapons in the ongoing political and social struggles.

Digital newspaper library of the F. Largo Caballero Foundation now available on line

In 2009, with the collaboration of Spanish Ministry of Culture, we created an on-line catalogue to grant access to the digital collections of the F. Largo Caballero Foundation’s library. Initially it was possible to access the Digital Poster Collection from UGT and similar entities published between 1937 and 2009.

Gewerkschaftsgeschichtliche Zeitzeugenarbeit

Projekt "Individuelle Erinnerung und gewerkschaftliche Identität. Ein Projekt zur Erhebung, Sicherung und medialen Aufbereitung gewerkschaftlicher Zeitzeugeninterviews" der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung und des Archivs der sozialen Demokratie der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 24.05.2012-24.05.2012, Bonn, Archiv der sozialen Demokratie der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn
Deadline: 18.05.2012

Methoden- und Theorieworkshop