CfP: Prix 2023 de Thèse et de Master sur l'Histoire de la protection sociale (CHSS)

Le Comité d'histoire de la Sécurité sociale (CHSS) attribue chaque année des prix de Thèse et de Master à travaux traitant de l'histoire de la protection sociale, sans restriction de période ni d'aire géographique. 7000€ de prix sont répartis entre les lauréat(e)s. Les lauréat(e)s seront invités à publier un article dans la Revue d'histoire de la protection sociale (

L'Etat contre les syndicalistes? - Michel Pigenet

L’usage de gaz lacrymogènes, les tirs de LBD, pour ne rien dire des charges et des nassages, témoignent de l’actualité des violences policières, que prolonge parfois la répression judiciaire. Le constat interroge dans un pays démocratique, où la violence n’est légitime que dans un cadre strictement réglementé. À plus forte raison quand le droit de défendre ses intérêts par l’action syndicale est inscrit dans la Constitution.

CfP: Global tax chains: Actors and practices of global capitalism in the second of the half of the 20th century

As chains of wealth became global in the world economy (Seabroke&Wigan, 2022), so did tax strategies. These topics have gained increasing attention over the past fifteen years as the crisis of 2007/2008 renewed the discussion on inequalities and (fiscal) justice. Humanities and social sciences have played an important role in framing debates on this topic.

CfP: Feminist Labour History - Fifth ELHN Conference

CFP: Feminist Labour History
Fifth ELHN Conference
Uppsala, 11 – 13 June 2024

The Feminist Labour History Working Group (WG) participates in the Fifth ELHN Conference with a number of events, including thematic sessions. For the latter, we invite members of the Working Group, and all other interested colleagues, to come up with paper and session proposals under the following open call:

Open Call for Proposals
*** EXTENDED DEADLINE July 20, 2023 ***


CfP: Police Intelligence, from Local to Global. From 1750 to the Present Day

Police and intelligence are two concepts that are intimately and invariably linked. From the police utopia of François-Jacques Guillotte (Mémoire sur la réformation de la police de France, soumis au roi en 1749, ed. by J. Seznec, Paris, Hermann, 1974) to the ‘Clearview AI’ affair or the use of facial recognition software based on illegal data by the Belgian police, police work has often been confused with the collection and processing of information.

CfP: First Annual Graduate Student Conference on Economic and Social History

Qualitative and quantitative research alike is invited, and the organisers encourage students in any stage of their studies from all disciplines related to economic and social history to apply.

The conference will be organised by students for students, but with the experience and organisational expertise of the Edinburgh’s Economic and Social History Research Group. It is an excellent opportunity to present papers and receive critical feedback from peers and renowned experts in the field, as well as build a network with others in the economic and social history community.

Visions of labour and class in Ireland. Irish Labour History Society 50th Anniversary conference

14th-17th September 2023

The Irish Labour History Society (ILHS) has partnered with the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) and its Northern Ireland Committee to organise its third international conference, in Dublin between 14th and 17th September 2023.

The four-day event will feature national and international expert speakers and labour movement practitioners in over 30 events in four venues: the Trinity College Long Room, Liberty Hall, the Fórsa head office and the Teachers’ Club.