YMHC Issue 8: Aspects of the occurrence of gold deposits in Minas Gerais in the 18th century

The Young Mining Historians Corner is a blog post series edited by the Labour In Mining WG dedicated to early career researchers in mining history broadly construed.


The Issue 8 has been just published:


Aspects of the occurrence of gold deposits in Minas Gerais in the 18th century by Q. I. Lopes (https://lim.hypotheses.org/2517)



Find all the previous issues here: https://lim.hypotheses.org/category/ymhc


CfP: Worlds of Work and the Welfare State in Europe between Two Crises, 1973-2013

This is a call for an issue that aims to investigate the changes in the practices, concepts, imagery of the worlds of work and welfare in Europe that have emerged in the period between 1973 and 2013. The call for paper solicits the proposal of studies concerning public policies, as well as social movements, ideas, dominant and subordinate cultural representations.


CfP: Prix de recherche 2023 de la CFDT

La CFDT est heureuse de vous faire part de son prochain prix de recherche, relevant des disciplines suivantes : histoire contemporaine, sociologie, sciences politiques.

Ce prix, décerné tous les 2 ans, concrétise la politique d’encouragement à la recherche universitaire mise en œuvre par la Confédération dans les domaines de l’histoire des syndicats, en particulier de la CFDT, de l'histoire des mouvements sociaux, de l’histoire sociale et économique du travail et des travailleurs, de l’histoire et de l’évolution de la pensée politique et économique.

Una vita contro. Vittorio Mallozzi, le fornaci, la guerra di Spagna, il confino, la Resistenza a Roma

Presentazione del volume di Donatella Panzieri  Una vita contro. Vittorio Mallozzi, le fornaci, la guerra di Spagna, il confino, la Resistenza a Roma  (Odradek, 2022) 

Leonardo Pompeo D'Alessandro,
Claudio Natoli, Italo Poma,
Donatella Panzieri

ORE 17:30