Human Rights and Revolutions

Jeffrey N. Wassertrom, Greg Grandin, Lynn Hunt, and Marilyn B. Young, eds. Human Rights and Revolutions. Second Edition. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2007. 225 pp. Table of contents, bibliographical references, index. $75.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-7425-5513-6; $27.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-7425-5514-3.

Reviewed by: Christian W. Erickson, Department of Political Science, Roosevelt University.Published by: H-Human-Rights (February, 2008)

Rights and Revolutions, Paradoxes and Promises

Encyclopedia of the Industrial Revolution

This is a third call for authors for the on-going Encyclopedia of the Industrial Revolution. Facts on File,Americas leading reference work publisher, has commissioned The Encyclopedia of the Industrial Revolution in World History. Co-Editors Dr. Kenneth E. Hendrickson and Dr. Glenn Sanford are seeking contributing authors to write entry articles.

Read more at [url][/url]

Lucien Van Der Walt

The journal Labor History has awarded Lucien Van Der Walt of Wits Sociology its international prize for the best Ph.D. dissertation of 2007 for his thesis on 'Anarchism and Syndicalism in South Africa,1904-1921: rethinking the history of labour and the left'. Labor History, published by Routledge, is widely considered the pre-eminent journal for historical scholarship in its field in the world. The highly prestigious and competitive prize is awarded for the best Ph.D. on a labour topic, historical or contemporary, regardless of discipline, and draws entrants worldwide.

Labour in Vietnam

The Australian National University
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Canberra
6-7 November 2008

Call for Papers

Vietnam's transformation into an industrial economy is evidenced by the rapid growth in foreign industrial investments and the increased share of GDP occupied by manufacturing. However, as industrial parks multiply and made-in-Vietnam products proliferate worldwide, so too do labour disputes.

Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen

Das Forschungsheft des "Mitteilungsblatts" für 2007 enthält vor allem Studien zur Arbeiterbewegung in Deutschland. Das thematische Spektrum umfasst dabei das gesamte 20. Jahrhundert sowie den Beginn des 21.Jahrhunderts und reicht vom Anarcho-Syndikalismus im Ruhrgebiet vor 1919 bis zur Etablierung der Linkspartei in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Weitere Beiträge beschäftigen sich mit Theodor Leipart, dem WSI in der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung und seinen Vorläufern, den Ortskrankenkassen im "Dritten Reich" und der schweizerischen Dritte-Welt-Bewegung.

1. Forschungen

Barbara Wertheimer Prize in Labour History

Barbara Wertheimer Prize in Labour History

To recognize serious study in labor and work history among undergraduate students, the New York Labor History Association will award the Barbara Wertheimer Prize of $100.00 for the best research paper written during the 2007-2008 academic year. The winning entry will, with permission, be posted on the NYLHA website. Please encourage your best undergraduate students to submit their work.

Papers on any aspect of labor or work history will be considered.
Entries will be evaluated on the basis of scholarship and literary merit.