Russia in 1912-1922

Plekhanov House (Dom Plekhanova), the National Library of Russia department, is pleased to announce The VIII Plekhanov Conference, "Russia in 1912-1922: A Decade of Social and Political Breakup and National Consolidation", to be held on 30 May - 1 June, 2008, and invites those interested to contribute to the forum.

International Newsletter of Communist Studies

The International Newsletter of Communist Studies (2008), no. 21, is currently in print, to be published in March 2008. At the same time, the unabridged Online Newsletter will be put on the homepage. [...]

The International Newsletter of Communist Studies (2008), no. 21.
Der Internationale Newsletter der Kommunismusforschung
La newsletter internationale des recherches sur le communisme

Table of Contents

Consumption, Markets and Culture

Business and Labour History Group, The University of Sydney
Call for Papers for Symposium and Special Issue of Consumption, Markets & Culture

This special issue will focus on a particular objective of Consumption, Markets & Culture as articulated by the editors "to take part in inquiring in and construction of the material conditions and meanings of consumption and production."

Waged Domestic Work

Waged Domestic Work and the Making of the Modern World Conference

An international conference to explore the role of waged domestic work in the making of modern economic, social, and cultural formations will be held at the University of Warwick from 9th to 11th May 2008.

Kate Smith
History Department
The University of Warwick
United Kingdom

Contester dans un pays prospère

From: José Gotovitch, [mailto][/mailto]

Chers amis, pourriez vous faire circuler l'annonce de parution ci annexée de la publication des actes du colloque "Contester dans un pays prospère" organisé par le Centre d'histoire et de sociologie des Gauches de l'ULB.

Avec mes remerciements
José Gotovitch
Professeur de l'Université
Université Libre de Bruxelles
CP 175/01
50 Avenue F.D. Roosevelt
B 1050 Bruxelles