Garibaldi et la France

Garibaldi et la France is a virtual exhibition on the image (or images) of Giuseppe Garibaldi in France (19th-20th century). Created by a group of young researchers of the various Universities of Paris, this website is a rich collection of iconographic materials that allows a study of the construction of Garibaldi’s heroic image and of the public uses of "the Two Worlds’ Hero" in France.


Southwest Labor Studies Association

Southwest Labor Studies Association
34th Annual Conference May 15-17, 2008
California Polytechnic University
Pomona, CA

Call for papers, workshops, and presentations

Working and Organizing Everyday: Workers, Families, and Communities in Local and Global Struggles

Featuring: Plenary Sessions on The State of Working Families in the Inland Valley and The Struggle for a Continental Living Wage

Labor History

Labor History
Volume 49 Number 2 (February 2008)


Defining a "Living Wage" in America: Transformations in Union WageTheories, 1870-1930
Tom Stapleford

British Trade Unions, the 1975 Referendum and Its Legacy
Philip B. Whyman

Challenging Cheap-Labour Theory: Nataland TransvaalCoal Miners, c. 1890-1950
Peter Alexander

49The FE PC and the Legacy of the Labor-Based Civil Rights Movement of the 1940s
Kevin M. Schultz

Ámbitos no. 34

Boletín Digital de Actividades
número 34 - enero de 2008

Actividades Culturales

Exposición "De la España que emigra a la España que acoge", en Huelva
1968-2008 : retour aux sources

Mai 68 est encore, comme le prouvent certains récents discours tenus au plus haut niveau de l’Etat, un enjeu politique d’importance. Mais c’est aussi, bien entendu un enjeu historiographique et documentaire. C’est en fonction de cela que le CODHOS s’est donné pour tâche de recenser les différentes manifestations occasionnées par le 40ème anniversaire. Il s’agit de faire, dans un souci documentaire et analytique, une radiographie des formes que prendra cet anniversaire.