Seventy Years of The Black Jacobins

br>A one-day conference to mark the seventieth anniversary of the publication of C.L.R. James’s classic history of the Haitian Revolution. With keynote speakers Darcus Howe, Selma James, Bill Schwarz, Marika Sherwood and Weyman Bennett.

Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, London.
Saturday 2 February 2008, 10am - 4.30pm.
Organised by the London Socialist Historians Group
To register, please send your email address and phone number to
London Socialist Historians Group, 3 Lavenham Court, London, SW15 2RF

ETUI-REHS Documentation Centre


The European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education and Health and Safety (ETUI-REHS) is pleased to announce the open day for its newly reorganised and modernised documentation centre which takes place on 5th December 2007 between 10am and 6pm.

On this occasion Marc Sapir, Managing Director of the ETUI-REHS and
John Monks, General Secretary of the ETUC

have the pleasure of inviting you to a cocktail celebrating the official inauguration of the new ETUI-REHS documentation centre from 6:30pm - 8pm.

Barbara Wertheimer Prize 2007-2008

To recognize serious study in labor and work history among undergraduate students, the New York Labor History Association will award the Barbara Wertheimer Prize of $100.00 for the best research paper written during the2007-2008 academic year. The prize winning entry will, with permission, be posted on the NYLHA website. Please encourage your best undergraduate students to submit their work.

Historical Data on Labour Conflicts

This call invites interested researchers all over the world to join in a project to assemble, discuss and analyze historical data on labour conflicts. We feel that, to really understand the present developments in strike activity, a long-term view is needed. To construct this view, and to compare long-term trends by country and by economic sector, we need to assemble and standardize data. Thanks to the internet and to specialized software for virtual collaboration such an enterprise is feasible.

Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli - Newsletter n. 25 - 14 November 2007


Reading room: temporary change in opening hours

We advise library users that a special exhibition on Boris Pasternak will be on display in the library's traditional reading room from 21 November 2007 through 8 January 2008. The library will be closed from 1:30 Wednesday 21 November through Friday 23 November in order to set up the exhibition.

Archiv für Sozialgeschichte

Neue Rezensionen im Archiv für Sozialgeschichte - Stand August/September 2007

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wir freuen uns, Ihnen heute wieder Buchbesprechungen zur Sozial- und Zeitgeschichte präsentieren zu können.