The Struggle against Wage Controls

The New Brunswick Labour History Project launches The Struggle against Wage Controls: The Saint John Story, 1975-1976 on Wednesday, 28 February, at 7 p.m. at the New Brunswick Museum in Saint John, New Brunswick. Written by veteran Saint John labour activist George Vair, the book is edited and introduced by David Frank, Professor of History at the University of New Brunswick. The evening is co-hosted by the Saint John District Labour Council and the New Brunswick Museum.

Saskatchewan labour history

Plans for the annual workshop sponsored by the Canadian Committee on Labour History are now posted at [url][/url]. This year the event focuses on Saskatchewan labour history, and includes sessions on women, workers and the left, recent writings on Saskatchewan labour history, and labour in municipal politics; the program also includes music and a bus tour. The event is co-sponsored by the Society for Socialist Studies and the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour. The event is on Sunday 27 May 2007.

The Lost World of British Communism

26th April 2007, 5.30pm, Durham University, UK

Roundtable on Raphael Samuel's The Lost World of British Communism (Verso, 2006) - a collection of the original articles from New Left Review, 1985-87.Speakers:
Kevin Morgan (Manchester): Histories of British Communism
Lawrence Black (Durham): The lost world of young Conservatism
Alison Light (Newcastle): discussant

Points de contact entre les cultures hérités du fait colonial

Colloque international organisé par le Laboratoire Babel (Université du Sud Toulon-Var) et le Centre de recherche CIRCE (Université de Paris 3)
21, 22 et 23 mars 2007

UFR Lettres - Amphithéâtre Danielle Dumas (Y002), Bâtiment Y - Université du Sud Toulon-Var
Comité scientifique : Monique Léonard, Jean-Charles Vegliante, Isabelle Felici, Alain Morello
Comité d'organisation : Isabelle Felici, Alain Morello, Noëlle Breton, Martine Delapierre

Images et sons de mai 68 (1968-2008)

Colloque international

Images et sons de mai 68 (1968-2008)

Organisé par le Centre d’histoire culturelle des sociétés contemporaines (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin), l’Institut national de l’audiovisuel (INA), le Laboratoire Communication et politique (CNRS)

Paris, Institut national de l’audiovisuel
15, 16, 17 avril 2008

Appel à contribution
Date limite : 1er juin 2007

International Women's Day in Salford

The Working Class Movement Library

Saturday 10th March 2007 2pm

Speakers: Nes Brierley, Bernadette Hyland, Imra Shoaib
Songs from Claire Mooney
plus exhibition, displays and refreshments. All welcome.

Nes is active in direct action and  environmental campaigns
Imra is President of Oldham Trades Union Council
Bernadette has been active in Irish community campaigns
Claire is a singer songwriter from Manchester.

Archivio Pinelli

E' uscito il Bollettino n. 28 dell'Archivio Pinelli, di cui riportiamo qui di seguito il sommario. Ricordando che tutti i numeri precedenti sono disponibili sul nostro sito ([url][/url]), segnaliamo il c/c postale per chi volesse ordinare l'ultimo Bollettino uscito (5,00 euro, spese di spedizione comprese): c/c postale n. 14039200 intestato a Centro studi libertari, Milano

Indice Bollettino 28

Bauernkrieg, Wilhelm Zimmermann

Bauernkrieg und Revolution. 200 Jahre Wilhelm Zimmermann - Ein Radikaler aus Stuttgart
Mit einem Symposium erinnern die Veranstalter an den Politiker, Theologen, Schriftsteller und Historiker Wilhelm Zimmermann (1807-1878)

Kommission für geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg, Stadt
Stuttgart, Kulturamt-Stadtarchiv und Verein der Freunde des Historischen Instituts der Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart
02.03.2007, Großer Sitzungssaal des Stuttgarter Rathauses