Labor, Slavery and Freedom

Twenty-ninth Annual North American Labor History Conference
Wayne State University, October 18-20, 2007

The Program Committee of the North American Labor History Conference invites proposals for sessions and papers on
Labor, Slavery and Freedom in a Global Age
for our twenty-ninth annual meeting.

Taking Stock and Moving Ahead

Call for Papers for the 2007 Social Science History Association Meeting,
November 15-18, Chicago Illinois

The theme of this year's SSHA meeting is: "History and the Social Sciences: Taking Stock and Moving Ahead." We especially encourage panels and papers that consider this theme, broadly conceived.

The labor network is looking for complete panels and individual papers for panels dealing with labor and working-class history, broadly defined.

Panels that focus on, among other things, are encouraged:

Cultural and Social History

Cultural and Social History is the quarterly, peer-reviewed journal of the Social History Society. Launched in 2004, the journal is committed to furthering the dialogue between social and cultural historians. The editors welcome articles that make connections across the broad territory of cultural and social history and across chronological and geographical boundaries. The journal is also intended as a forum for methodological debate of broad relevance to historians of any field in which the future directions of the discipline can be discussed and, it is hoped, initiated.

Labor History Dissertation Prize

From: Phelan C.L. [mailto][/mailto]

To encourage the study of labor, Labor History is pleased to announce the second annual Dissertation Prize for labor studies, broadly defined. In keeping with the journal's dedication to a multi-disciplined approach to the field, and its commitment to chronological and geographical breadth, the prize will be awarded to the best Ph.D. dissertation on a labor topic, historical or contemporary, in the US or worldwide, regardless of discipline.

Tamiment Library

From: Michael Nash, [mailto][/mailto]

Center for the United States and the Cold War
Tamiment Library

Happy New Year. We are back this Spring 2007 with an exciting schedule of seminars and programs.

February 9
Seminar, Mark Lawrence (University of Texas) "The United States and White Rule in South Africa during the 1960s." Comment by Marilyn Young (NYU). 10:30-12:30 with lunch following.

Journal de la BDIC

Le numéro 16 (janvier 2007) du journal de la BDIC est paru. Vous y trouverez des informations sur les activités récentes et à venir de la BDIC : journée d'études "Hongrie 1956", expositions sur "les archives clandestines du ghetto de Varsovie" et "les affiches de la guerre d'Espagne, programme des "Lundis de la BDIC" 2007, publication du "Guide des sources de l'histoire du féminisme", partenariats scientifiques, fonds numérisés, séminaire "Ecritures du passé.