DANGO Project

DANGO (Database of Archives of Non-Governmental Organisations) is an archival project based at the University of Birmingham (UK). It aims to gather as much information as possible on the availability of records relating to non-governmental organisations and pressure groups active in the UK since 1945. The project's outcome will be a fully functional online database (currently already available for research, although as a trial and incomplete version).

Anarchism: PhD Studentships

The Department of Politics, International Relations & European Studies at Loughborough University (GB) invites applications for three Studentships to undertake doctoral research from July/October 2007 in any area related to the Department's research interests.

Dr Ruth Kinna and Dr Dave Berry would like to hear from anyone interested in studying for a PhD in any area related to anarchist history, politics or theory.

Matériaux pour l'histoire de notre temps

A new issue of Matériaux pour l'histoire de notre temps, edited by theBDIC, has just been published (in French). It is dedicated to the subject of internationalism - both historical and contemporary aspects. Please find below a table of contents and abstracts of the articles. Orders and inquiries:
Matériaux, c/o BDIC, 6 Allée de l'Université, 92001 Nanterre Cedex
Tel : +33. (0)

Arbeitsmigranten in Bremerhaven

Burkhard Hergesell, "Eine Hand voll Zukunft ...". Arbeitsmigrantinnen und Arbeitsmigranten in Bremerhaven 1955-2005. Bremen: Hauschild Verlag 2005. ISBN 3-89757-302-4; 152 S., 88 s/w Abb.; EUR 24,50.

Rezensiert für den Rezensionsdienst "Europäische Ethnologie / Kulturanthropologie / Volkskunde" bei H-Soz-u-Kult von: Annemarie Gronover, Institut für Ethnologie, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen