Fraternal Capital

Sharad Chari. Fraternal Capital: Peasant-Workers, Self-Made Men, andGlobalization in Provincial India. Stanford: Stanford University Press,2004. xxv + 379 pp. Illustrations, maps, notes, bibliography, index. $45.00 (cloth), ISBN 0-8047-4873-X.

Reviewed by Manu Goswami, Department of History, New York University
Published by H-Asia (September 2006)

Transforming Toil into Capital in Tiruppur

Irish Labour History Society

Irish Labour History Society Annual Conference 2006
20th - 21st October 2006, Liberty Hall, Dublin

90th Anniversary James Connolly (1868 - 1916)

Full Conference Admission (including Clé Club Social) EUR10
Individual Sessions EUR5

Session 1 - Friday 20th October, 7.30 p.m.
Chair - Hugh Geraghty, President, I.L.H.S.
"James Connolly and the Great Divide: Ireland, Europe and the First World War"
Professor John Horne, Trinity College Dublin
Followed by an Open Forum

Sacco and Vanzetti

On Thursday October 5 (6 PM - 8 PM) the Tamiment Library's Center for the Cold War and the United States, in cooperation with Casa Italiana and NYU's Center for Media, Culture, and History, will be sponsoring a screening of Peter Miller 's new film "Sacco and Vanzetti" (2006, 80 minutes). After the film there will be a panel discussion with Peter Miller, Professor Nunzio Pernicone (Drexel University), and Professor Pellegrino D'Acierno (Hofstra and NYU).

The screening will be held at Casa Italiana, 24 West 12 Street.

Greek Resistance to Fascism

A program of lectures, discussions, interactive seminars and films in October and November in Brisbane, Australia, the purpose of which is to inform all Australians about the roots of fascism and to honour Greek fighters who fought for much more than the interests of British, American or Russian imperialism during WW2.

Basotho and the Mines

Eddy Tshidiso Maloka. Basotho and the Mines: A Social History of Labour Migrancy in Lesotho and South Africa, c.1890-1940. Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, 2004. 257 pp. Index. $47.95 (paper), ISBN 2-8697-8128-8.

Reviewed by: Scott Rosenberg, Department of History, Wittenberg University.
Published by: H-SAfrica (June, 2006)