Historia transnacional del trabajo

Centro Francisco Tomàs y Valiente, UNED Alzira-Valencia, 2006; ISBN 84-95484-78-1; 304 pp.

El mundo del trabajo - en todas sus facetas - ha sido, durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX, el ámbito en el que los etudios históricos han sido más fértiles y sus autores han planteado propuestas más innovadoras y fructíferos debates cuyo alcance no se restringe - todavía hoy - a la historia estrictamente obrera.

Labor History Prizes 2005

The winners of the 2005 Labor History Prizes have been announced. For each prize there was a large and talented pool of entrants this year, reflecting the continued strength and quality of scholarship in the field. This year's winners are listed below, and you can judge the quality of work within the Essay Prizes category by viewing the articles free online. Find out how you can enter for 2006 by following the link below:

Die Rote Hilfe

Sabine Hering and Kurt Schilde, eds. Die Rote Hilfe: Die Geschichte der internationalen kommunistischen "Wohlfahrtsorganisation" und ihrer sozialen Aktivitäten in Deutschland (1921-1941). Opladen: Leske und Budrich, 2003. 326 pp. Photos, illustrations, charts, documents, bibliography. EUR 24.90 (paper), ISBN 3-8100-3634-X.

Reviewed by: Gary Roth, Rutgers University at Newark.
Published by: H-German (February, 2006)

Auf denn, Ihr Schwestern!

Anke Ortlepp. "Auf denn, Ihr Schwestern!": Deutschamerikanische Frauenvereine in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1844-1914. Transatlantische Historische Studien, 17. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2004. 309 pp. Appendix, bibliography, index. EUR 37.00 (cloth), ISBN 3-5150-8405-3.

Reviewed by: Janet M. C. Walmsley, Department of History and Art History, George Mason University.
Published by: H-German (September, 2005)