Eugene Forsey Prize

This is a short reminder to instructors and authors in history, labour studies and related fields about the Eugene Forsey Prize in Canadian Labour and Working-Class History, awarded each year by the Canadian Commitee on Labour History. There is a graduate thesis award and also an undergraduate essay award. The deadline for submissions is 1 June 2006. Details are available at the following site address:


London Socialist Historians Group

The Summer 2006 issue of the London Socialist Historians Group Newsletter has been published and can be downloaded from the LSHG web site.

It contains articles by Keith Flett on eighty years after the General Strike and a review by Terry Ward of Kevin Murphy's Revolution and Counterrevolution - Class Struggle in a Moscow Metal Factory.

It also contains, as usual, news and announcements of forthcoming seminars and other events of interest to socialist historians in the London area and beyond.

From the Blanketeers to the Present

German Historical Institute
in collaboration with
the Society for the Study of Labour History

Call for Papers:
From the Blanketeers to the Present:
Understanding Protests of the Unemployed
Held at the German Historical Institute, London
16/17 February 2007

The lack of work has been a recurrent grievance for working people and a site of protest since the early days of labour movements. This conference will bring together the latest international research into the protests of the workless.

German Trade Unions and SPD documents

The "Programmatische Dokumente und Statuten der deutschen Gewerkschaftsbewegung und der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands" (Programmatic Documents and Statutes of the German Trade Union Movement and the Social Democratic Party of Germany) are presenting in full text the programmatic positions of the German social democracy and trade union movement since their beginnings in the 19th century. The project was realized with the support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinnschaft (DFG).

German Labour Movement Bibliography

The "Bibliographie zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung und zur Theorie und Praxis der politischen Linken" (Bibliography of the History of the German Labour Movement and the Theory and Practice of the political Left) shows the literature published since 1976. The project was realized with the support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinnschaft (DFG). The monographs and articles are about the history and politics of the German labour movement and are part of the collection of the library of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Bonn.

Labour Policy in Germany

Hans-Walter Schmuhl. Arbeitsmarktpolitik und Arbeitsverwaltung in Deutschland 1871-2002: Zwischen Fürsorge, Hoheit und Markt. Nuremberg: Bundesanstalt für Arbeit, 2003. xx + 776 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. EUR 12.50 (paper), ISBN 0-173-657-4.

Reviewed by: Ulf Zimmermann, Kennesaw State University.
Published by: H-German (January, 2006)