Working in the Americas

University Press of Florida announces a new book series in labor and working-class studies: Working in the Americas

Working in the Americas is a new series from the expanding University Press of Florida devoted to publishing important works in labor history, labor relations and working-class studies in the Americas. We seek work that uses both traditional as well as innovative, interdisciplinary, or transnational approaches. Our focus is the Americas and the lives of its workers.
We welcome inquires and proposals.

Neuerscheinungen über Karl Marx

Postone, Moishe: Zeit, Arbeit und gesellschaftliche Herrschaft. Eine neue Interpretation der kritischen Theorie von Marx. Freiburg: ça-ira-Verlag 2003. ISBN 3-924627-58-4; 616 S.; EUR 34,00.

Heinrich, Michael: Kritik der politischen Ökonomie. Eine Einführung ( Stuttgart: Schmetterling Verlag 2004. ISBN 3-89657-582-1;234 S.; EUR 10,00.

Derrida, Jacques: Marx & Sons (= stw 1660). Frankfurt am Main: SuhrkampTaschenbuch Verlag 2004. ISBN 3-518-29260-9; 135 S.; EUR 9,00.

Deutsche Kommunisten

Hermann Weber and Andreas Herbst. Deutsche Kommunisten: Biographisches Handbuch, 1918-1945. Berlin: Karl Dietz Verlag, 2004. 992 pp. Photos, appendices, bibliography, index. EUR 49.90 (cloth), ISBN 3-3200-2044-7.

Reviewed by: Gary Roth, Rutgers University at Newark.
Published by: H-German (September, 2005)

Stalinists as Victims

The Red Millionaire

Sean McMeekin. The Red Millionaire: A Political Biography of Willi Münzenberg, Moscow's Secret Propaganda Tsar in the West. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2003. viii + 398 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. $32.50 (cloth), ISBN 0-300-09847-2.

Reviewed by: Michael Grutchfield, Department of History, Portland State University.
Published by: H-German (August, 2005)