Tamiment Seminar in Labor and Social History

The Tamiment Seminar in Labor and Social History is designed to bring together faculty and graduate students to discuss work in progress. We believe that we have an exciting program this year. The seminar is transnational in focus and defines the disciplines of labor and social history rather broadly. Papers are pre-circulated.

The seminar meets in the Tamiment Library conference room from 6:30 - 8:30 (10th floor, New York University's Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South).

The Politics of the Poor

H-NET Book Review
Published by H-Albion (June 2005)

Marc Brodie. The Politics of the Poor: The East End of London 1885-1914. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2004. viii + 240 pp. Maps, figures, tables, notes, bibliography, index. $95.00 (cloth), ISBN 0-1992-7055-4.

Reviewed by: Michael Childs, Department of History, Bishop's University, Quebec, Canada.
Published by: H-Albion (June, 2005)

Agents of Moscow: The Hungarian Communist Party

H-NET Book Review
Published by (September 2005)

Martin Mevius. Agents of Moscow: The Hungarian Communist Party and the Origins of Socialist Patriotism 1941-1953. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. xiii + 295 pp. Notes, bibliography, index. $99.00 (cloth), ISBN 0-19-927461-4.

Reviewed for H-Russia by Johanna Granville, Fulbright scholar, Urals State University, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Hungarian Nationalism to Sell Socialism: Caveat Emptor

Stepping Out With Amsab-ISH

Everybody join the party! On the occasion of its 25th birthday, and within the framework of the annual conference of IALHI (6-10 September) and the International Colloquium Anti-globalism (9 September) Amsab-Institute of Social History is offerring you an original present: the virtual exhibition "Stepping Out With Amsab-ISH", www.amsab.be/vreemd. With "Stepping out with Amsab-ISH" we want to draw attention to interesting records from other institutions. Several institutions, both domestic and from abroad, have already responded.

Two more from the Turati

The Fondazione Turati (Florence) published two new titles:

  • I Garibaldi dopo Garibaldi. La tradizione famigliare e l'eredità politica A cura di Z.Ciuffoletti, A.Colombo, Annita Garibaldi Jallet, Piero Lacaita Editore Collana "Strumenti e Fonti", Euro 15,00
  • Maurizio Degl'Innocenti, Il Mito di Stalin. Comunisti e socialisti nell'Italia del dopoguerra, Piero Lacaita Editore, Collana "Società e Cultura", Euro 15,00

Fondazione di Studi Storici "Filippo Turati"
Via M. Buonarroti, 13
50122 Firenze