Russian Revolution

Study Group on the Russian Revolution
XXXII Conference
Nottingham, United Kingdom
3 - 5 January 2006

Call for papers
The call for papers for the study group's thirty-second conference is now open. Proposals for panels and for individual papers are welcomed, covering the period from the 1880s up until 1932. We welcome papers that draw on ongoing or recent research relating to revolutionary Russia.

Papers can be submitted and presented either in English or in Russian. Papers in Russian should be accompanied by an English abstract.

Two from the Turati

The Fondazione Turati (Florence) recently published two new titles:

  • Alessandro Schiavi, Nel socialismo italiano ed europeo a cura di Gianni Silei. Piero Lacaita Editore, Collana "Strumenti e Fonti", Euro 12,00
  • Sandro Pertini combattente per la libertá. Piero Lacaita Editore, Collana "Strumenti e Fonti", Euro 20,00

For more information:

World-Systems Analysis

Published by . (February, 2005)

Immanuel Wallerstein. World-Systems Analysis: An Introduction. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2004. xii + 109 pp. Notes, glossary, bibliography, index. $49.95 (cloth), ISBN 0-8223-3431-3; $16.95 (paper), ISBN 0-8223-3442-9.

Reviewed by: Brian J. McVeigh, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Arizona.
Published by: H-US-Japan (February, 2005)

World-Systems Theory: Sizing Up the Units of Spatial-Temporal Analysis

Vorwärts und viel vergessen

From: Bernd Huettner,

Bernd Hüttner, Gottfried Oy, Norbert Schepers (Hg.): Vorwärts und viel vergessen - Beiträge zur Geschichte und Geschichtsschreibung neuer sozialer Bewegungen“; AG SPAK Verlag, Neu-Ulm 2005 (ISBN 3-930 830-59-0)

The table of contents and preface of this book can be found at Orders could be made online. The language of the book is German.

Professions in Russia

From: Ekaterina Kazurova ,

Call for papers

Anthropology of professions in Russia.
New and traditional occupations in changing Russia: social anthropologicalapproach
Conference in Saratov, Russia, 29-30 September 2005

Russian Sociological Society (ROS)
Saratov State Technical University
Department of social anthropology and social work
Center of social policy and gender studies

With the support of the Russian Foundation for Humanities.

Thematic priorities of the conference:

Labour History Conference

From: Greg Patmore

Major Labour History Conference

The Past is Before Us: Seeking the sources of social and political transformation in the struggles of past generations.

The Ninth National Labour History Conference
Thursday 30 June - Saturday 2 July 2005, 9 am to 5 pm

Holme Building, University of Sydney, Australia. One day registrations available.

Nikolai Sukhanov

Israel Getzler. Nikolai Sukhanov: Chronicler of the Russian Revolution. Oxford: Palgrave, 2002. xix + 226 pp. Appendices, bibliography, notes, index. $69.95 (cloth), ISBN 0-3339-7035-7.

Reviewed by Francis King, School of History, University of East Anglia
Published by (April 2005)

Sandro Pertini

L'Associazione Nazionale "Sandro Pertini" informa che è uscito il volume:

Sandro Pertini
Carteggio 1924-1930

pp. 145
a cura di Stefano Caretti
Piero Lacaita Editore
Collana "Strumenti e Fonti"
Euro 15,00

Associazione Nazionale "Sandro Pertini"
Via M. Buonarroti, 13
50122 Firenze
Pagine web: