Chartist Day Conference

The Tenth Annual Chartist Day Conference. 18 June 2005 Bedson Building, Room G37, University of Newcastle, UK
Conference Programme

9.30 Coffee/tea

9.45 Welcome and Introduction to the conference. Joan Allen.

10.00 'Sheffield and the early nineteenth century English Revolutionary tradition'. John Baxter

11.00 'Democracy or Nationalism? The problems of the Chartist press in Ireland'. Mike Huggins


2.00 Chartism and Education after 1848: a key to the 1870 Education Act? Keith Flett

Historical Materialism

From: Sebastian Budgen Books in German for which Historical Materialism seeks reviews in English
May 2005

Historical Materialism seeks reviewers for the following books in German. Reviews should be submitted in English. Our policy is to publish substantial review articles, usually ranging between 3,000 and 6,000 words, and it is important that books should be discussed in terms of their relevance to Marxist theory. The Guidelines document for HM reviewers will be sent on request.

Questions d'histoire sociale

Le Centre d'animation et de recherche en histoire ouvrière et populaire (Carhop) publie Questions d'histoire sociale.

Apporter un éclairage historique à de nombreuses questions d'actualité qui font et qui ont fait, aujourd'hui comme hier, l'objet de débats passionnés : tel a été l'objectif du Carhop en rédigeant ces Questions d'histoire sociale.

Port Economics

From: Tapio Bergholm

Making Global and Local Connections: Historical Perspectives on Port Economics

Call for Papers for a port history session of the XIV International Economic History Congress IEHC, Helsinky, Finland, 21-25 August 2006 and a pre-conference to be held in Kotka (Finland), 18-20 August 2006

Files of the Communist Party of Japan

Free online inventory in Comintern online

IDC Publishers is pleased to announce that a free online inventory (in English and Russian) is available for the collection Files of the Communist Party of Japan. This finding aid is part of Comintern online, that comprises an inventory to the complete Comintern Archives of 55,000,000 pages.

Access to the Comintern online inventory is free after registering at

Willemijn Lindhout ()
IDC Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands.