Roots of Reform

Elizabeth Sanders, Roots of Reform: Farmers, Workers, and the American State, 1877-1917. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999. x + 532 pp. $16.00 (paper), ISBN: 0-226-73477-3; $48.00 (cloth), 0-226-73476-5.

Reviewed for EH.NET by Gerald Friedman, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts.
Published by EH.Net, April 2000.

Socialist Internationals

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the refoundation of the Socialist International in Frankfurt am Main the International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI) compiles a bibliography, which intends to register all publications of the various social democratic internationals in the period from 1914 to 2000, whether they are printed or, as in some cases, mimeographed. All those publications that were intended for public use will be included as well as publications published by the secretaries or presidents of the Internationals on behalf of theirorganisations (e.g.

Comparative Coalfield Histories

Stefan Berger and Andy Croll are organising a conference on Comparative Coalfield Histories at the University of Glamorgan in the spring of 2002. They are also still looking for papers for the conference. Any proposals of papers should be submitted to Prof. Stefan Berger, Dept. of History, School of Humanities and Social Studies, University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd CF37 1DL, E-mail: Among the list of current speakers are Klaus Tenfelde, David Gilbert, Alan Campbell, Nina Fishmann and Chris Williams.

Two from Turati

The Fondazione di studi storici Filippo Turati would like to inform you about some of the latest volumes published in the series Società e cultura (Lacaita Publishing House), both on the same subject:

  • Z. Ciuffoletti, Contro lo statalismo: il socialismo 'federalista liberale' di Carlo Rosselli
  • Carlo Rosselli e il socialismo liberale, edited by M. Degl'Innocenti

In the series Strumenti e fonti (Lacaita Publishing House) the following volume (part of the Papers and Writings of Filippo Turati) has been published just now:

Forced Migration

You are invited to join a new discussion list on the Internet entitled "forced-migration-history".

This list is devoted to the exchange of ideas and information on historical aspects of forced migration, population displacements, resettlement and related themes (refugee welfare, diaspora politics, the construction of identity, urbanisation, nationalism, state-building, etc). The list is concerned primarily with twentieth century Europe, including the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, but we would welcome all contributions from those engaged in studying other times or places.