International NGOs

The Union of International Associations has decided, in order to stress the importance of the associative phenomenon in what is rapidly becoming a worldwide society, to award a prize of 6,000 euro for a doctoral thesis prepared on a subject concerning the life, operations or work of international non-governmental organisations. The competition is open to students of all nationalities.


Labor and Working Class History Association Update, July 2000

Since last October, when the first officers of the Labor and Working Class History Association (LAWCHA) began serving their terms, a lot has been accomplished. With an eye both to filling you in and encouraging your thoughts and feedback, we provide information here about LAWCHA's main activities in the recent past and future.

Debating Slavery

Mark M. Smith, Debating Slavery: Economy and Society in the AntebellumAmerican South. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. xii + 117 pp. $39.95 (hardback), 0-521-57158-8; $11.95 (paperback), ISBN: 0-521-57158-8.

Reviewed for EH.NET by James R. Irwin, Department of Economics, Central Michigan University.
Published by EH.Net, July 2000.

Free Love and the Labour Movement

Workshop at the International Institute of Social History
Amsterdam, 6 October 2000
Second session in a series of workshops on Socialism and Sexuality.

For the preliminary program and abstracts of (part of) the papers see:

For registration, please send an e-mail message to Jenneke Quast:
The registration fee (NLG 25) covers lunch, coffee and drinks at the IISH. Payment of the registration fee at the IISH on Friday morning.

New CLARA Working Papers

Two new CLARA Working Papers have been released:

  • Shigeru Sato, Labour Relations in Japanese Occupied Indonesia, Amsterdam, 2000. (CLARA Working Paper, No. 8)
  • Babette P. Resureccion, From Erosion Control to Food Crisis Management - Changing gender divisions of labor in a Philippine upland village, Amsterdam, 2000. (CLARA Working Paper, No. 10)

These (and other) Working Papers are downloadable from the CLARA website (in .doc format):