Russia in the Last Century

Russian Politico-Social Events in the Last Century
Center for Documents & Diplomatic History
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Teheran, 27-28 February 2001

Call for Papers

The Center for Documents and Diplomatic History of the Iranian Foreign Ministry intends to convene an international seminar on "The Russian Politico-Social Developments during the last Century" on 27-28 Feb. 2001.

The following subjects are to be examined:

Godless Communists

William B. Husband, "Godless Communists:" Atheism and Society in Soviet Russia, 1917-1932. De Kalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2000. xvii + 241pp. Glossary, notes, bibliography, index. $36.00 (cloth), ISBN 0-87580-257-5.

Reviewed for H-RUSSIA by Amy Nelson, Department of History, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Published by H-RUSSIA, September 2000.

Debs and the Politics of Dissent

Eugene V. Debs and the Politics of Dissent in Modern America
10-11 November 2000
Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN

Indiana State University and the Eugene V. Debs Foundation invite the academics interested in socialism and American electoral politics to attend a conference in Terre Haute, Indiana on the campus of Indiana State University. The program is listed below. For more information please email me.
From: Rich Schneirov, Dept of History Indiana State University,

The Azef Affair

Anna Geifman, Entangled in Terror; The Azef Affair and the Russian Revolution. Wilmington: Scholarly Resources Inc., 2000. Ix + 247 pp. Notes, selected bibliography and index. $60.00 (cloth), ISBN 0-8420-2651-7; $19.95 (paper), ISBN 0-8420-2650-9.

Reviewed for H-RUSSIA by Sarah Badcock, Department of Slavonic Studies, University of Durham.
Published by H-RUSSIA, September 2000.

'Not a friend, a disciple or a believer'

Dimitrov and Stalin

Alexander Dallin and F. I. Firsov, editors, Dimitrov and Stalin, 1934-1943: Letters from the Soviet Archives. Russian documents translated by Vadim A. Staklo. Annals of Communism. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2000. xxx + 278pp. Photographs, maps, facsimiles, notes, and index. $35.00 (cloth), ISBN 0-300-08021-2.

Reviewed for H-RUSSIA by Barbara Keys, Harvard University.
Published by H-RUSSIA, September 2000.