Francisco Largo Caballero y el protagonismo de la clase trabajadora (1869-1946)

La Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero, el Ministerio de la Presidencia, Relaciones con las Cortes y Memoria Democrática y la Unión General de Trabajadores organizan la exposición “Francisco Largo Caballero y el protagonismo de la clase trabajadora (1869-1946)”, que podrá verse en el Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica (Plaza de los Bandos, 3), en Salamanca.

La inauguración de la muestra, en la que colabora la Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural y Bellas Artes del Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, tendrá lugar el 23 de marzo a las 18:00 horas.  

CfA: Two post-doc researchers - Institute for Social Movements

The Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) is one of Germany’s leading research universities. The „Institute for Social Movements“ (ISB) is a central research institute of the RUB under the directorship of Professor Stefan Berger, which has a long track record of researching the comparative history and present-day relevance of social movements.


The ISB is looking for


2 postdoctoral researchers (full time 100%; payment according to German public service scale - E 13 TV-L)


La cultura americana e il PCI

Presentazione del volume: La cultura americana e il PCI

Fondazione ISEC e Casa della Cultura presentano il secondo incontro del ciclo di presentazioni "Occhi sull'America".

Il 10 Marzo 2022 dalle 17:30 alle 19:00 presso la Casa della Cultura (via Borgogna 3, Milano):

La cultura americana e il PCI. Intellettuali ed esperti di fronte alla «questione comunista»

di Alice Ciulla (Carocci, 2020)

Introduce e modera: Ferruccio Capelli (Casa della Cultura)

Join the Marx Memorial Library and help us reach 900 by 90!

Help the Marx Memorial Library to meet our target of 900 members by our 90th birthday in 2023.

Thank you for subscribing to our e-newsletter and for your on-going interest in our work.

As we approach the 90th anniversary of our founding in 1933, we have an ambitious programme to build the Library and its Workers’ School so that we meet the goals of our five-year strategic plan: to become an accredited archive, a national provider of Marxist and labour movement education and to redevelop our building to maximise its accessibility.

Safe havens for human rights archives at risk in the MENA region

Human rights documentation is key for future dealing with the past processes. When it is at risk of destruction or alteration, security copies sometimes need to be placed in a safe haven abroad. Providing guidance to actors in the MENA region, the International Initiative for Safe Havens for Archives at Risk has issued the International Guiding Principles on Safe Havens for Archives at risk and other resources in Arabic.