Why Does Labour Matter? The Past, Present, and Future of Labour and Labour Studies Social and Labour History News
Churchill and Industrial Britain Liberalism, Empire and Employment, 1900-1929 Social and Labour History News
The British Miner in the Age of De-Industrialization: A Political and Cultural History Social and Labour History News
Revista Izquierdas (53): Luis Emilio Recabarren: Educador Marxista de la Clase Obrera Chilena (Spanish) Social and Labour History News
Acronia: History of Anarchism and Radical Movements: "Decolonizing the History of Anarchism and Radical Movements" Social and Labour History News
Looking back at the African Lefts. Call for papers for the Cahiers d’histoire. Revue d’histoire critique Social and Labour History News
Control and punishment devices: 3rd International Conference on History of Prison and Punitive Institutions Social and Labour History News